
As a survivor of family members with severe mental illness (bi-polar and schizophrenia), I can only suggest that just because one stays on one’s meds doesn’t mean: a) the meds are working all the time, and b) that issues of mental health should cease to exist.

One thing Donald Trump has proven in spades, racism is alive and well in America. :(

As a transwoman I would love to scream at Jenner. She (and media) appointed herself trans spokesperson and role model, when in reality she is neither.

Sounds like something Gawker should have done on that hit piece last year on a private citizen.

Just sickening. At the time, as a closeted transgender woman in Kansas, I never had a chance and left for California 30 years ago. And, if South Dakota is any example, nothing has changed. :(

Well, I don’t get it. You mean we can’t leave racial issues / racism out of even cosplay?! What is the world coming to?!

Any one who uses Tinder for political proselytizing goes on my “Dead To Me” list! Is nothing sacred?!!!!!! ;)

I am clearly at a loss to understand what it is some posters here with ASD (Pikku Myy and at least two others) want from police and society.

Actually, that was what you were saying, but hey, all you have to do is look above at your own posts. Don’t spazz about it, bro.

I once knew of a situation where an ASD individual attacked people on the freeway and a police officer with a pipe. And guess what? They were taken alive to an MHU! This seems the exception rather than the rule though. :(


So no one can have an opinion on autism if they: a) don’t have autism, or b) aren’t a parent with an autistic child, or c) aren’t specifically trained and educated about how to work with autism. Is that what you are saying?

A very real consideration.

Hopefully, your dad is very accommodating to your mood swings.

When one is being attacked with a knife, if the police statements are accurate, one’s adrenaline kicks in and it doesn’t matter if you have ASD or not, the guy being attacked wants to survive and reaches for what he has handy or what he was trained to use. I wish they had tasers or tranquilizers. But I am not going to

I’m sure it’s probably been posted, but I wonder if Kayden was trying to have suicide by cop.

Well, at least they are wearing white very well. ;)

As a transsexual woman who transitioned 20 years ago, I wasn’t that surprised by how the woman was spoken about. After 20 years of this stuff, it’s pretty much standard fare when it comes to the ignorance out there. I’ve given up trying to educate people. They would rather not know.

Is that a Gilmore-ism translation? ;)

That’s the public statement, that the crew never knew. But I wonder if the crew had any inkling of their situation? I wonder about back channel communications, oddly worded sentences trying to convey the seriousness of the issue, etc. Did they really not know it was serious?