Helen Lawson, Star of Stage and Screen

I was reading that thinking, “Man, Phil Collins wrote some strange shit..” then I was like, “ohhh..”

Actually, given that many .gov servers have been broken into by the Chinese and the Russians, a personal, private, and unobserved server was probably the best idea.

Let’s walk away from those weird beets.. i’ll cover the retreat.

Conservatives are just using this shit to see more nudes of Anthony Weiner

AKA, the St. Francis of Assisi principle. I approve.

This story makes me cry but “over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth” put a smile on my face as I imagine all the ways I can use this in the future

I made a little birdy habitat out front - just a hidden spot with a deep dish of water and a shallow dish of water. The birds sit on the edge of the deep dish to drink, then take a bath in the shallow dish. I also have a big sage plant for the hummingbirds. Sometimes there are more than 10 birds at a time down there.

I’m pretty sure when we are evicted from the planet we are not getting the damage deposit back.

That’s how I interpreted it as well. Enjoy your lasagna!

Oh my fundie friends and fam use this exact passage when they want me to know that being vegan is “against god’s will”. They seem to think it means that they have carte blanche to treat animals however they like.

Sounds better than ‘Orphaned baby rhino thinks a crappy grey Hyundai is its mom’.

Okay well nbd, I will just leave law school and go live in the wilderness to personally be his new mom. It’s fine. We can fix this. And we won’t have to feel this feeling about how shitty human kind is anymore.

I’m legit crying right now. I HATE POACHERS SO MUCH I HATE THEM!

I love the “Government doesn’t do everthing perfectly, so it can’t possibly tell anyone to do something better.” Also, I’m a huge fan of the “I’ve got mine, so screw you” school of public policy.

Fiorina helped tank Lucent by orchestrating the making of tons of (shady/ill-advised) loans so that service providers could

This is the only reason why Carly Fiorina exists as a candidate in any capacity. It is literally so the Republican party can point to a woman who supports anti-woman policies and say , “SEE? My female friends say they don’t even want it!” It’s the same for Ben Carson. “My BLACK friend said he thinks ALL LIVES MATTER.”

That prancing ninnyhammer is about as bright as a black hole and twice as dense.

Amazing how almost every other country in the entire world manages paid maternity leave, and for longer periods of time than we do in the US, and yet some beaurocrat can always argue how it’ll kill businesses and jobs. What a load of steaming poo.

Lolol. It actually sounds a lot like ebola. Trump is just concerned about her well-being; she's not thinking straight because she has ebola, people!! (Probably because of something Obama did.)

I’m a smart women I have a high I.Q., I’ve been tested, I’ve been in gifted programs. So, I’m like, not a dummy.