
Right. Right now he's Jimmy, who has no knowledge of the future in which he will become Saul Goodman and then Gene. But occasionally WE see glimpses of the future, when he's Gene managing the Cinnabon. And of course we don't know what happens to Gene after that, though apparently Gilligan has promised we'll see

Hmm, I dunno—it could also be perceived as pretty condescending and paternalistic. Though Kim doesn't see it that way, so what do I know.

As a Louisianian, I . . . yeah, OK.

The Cinnabon parts are flash-forwards, that hasn't happened yet during the main timeline of BCS. He's not going to be Gene until after the whole BB storyline plays out.

I'm feeling the same "dancing around defining the relationship," but am not sure whether it's on Kim's part or the writers'.

Jimmy kept trying to tell his dad he was being conned, but his dad just didn't want to hear it.

Yes. And I think Jimmy's obvious conflicted feelings about his dad and his dad's being so easily swindled make the stealing-from-the-family-business, if Jimmy DOES do that, much more complex and ambiguous than it appeared in Chuck's story.

Nobody will ever see Huell again . . . .

This is such a glorious idea I'm going to be so disappointed if it doesn't happen. Which it won't.

I didn't. :(

Right now it's just for fun. But we're probably seeing the beginning of the Downfall of Kim/the Breaking Bad of Kim, and the irony will be that Jimmy turns out to be the more ethical of the two. #wildguess

That's kinda the point, though—the way he can turn it off and on, so that both emotions look fake

The toothbrush scenes also (less adorably) help to establish the time frame, before as many people had electric toothbrushes, and when people brushed side to side. The Chia Pet ad was another good nod to the time frame, too.

Didn't Dean Norris say he didn't want to be in the prequel?

Every week the number of posts I have to scroll through to get back to BCS gets longer

That's an interesting theory, anyway—like you said, it will depend on how it all plays out.

Well, I did, but I didn't know what the connection was. Um, she's dead? But the thing about du Maurier's Rebecca is that you never see her. And who's Mrs Danvers?

Thank you from me, too!

It must be pretty generic, I live in Louisiana and we have a Mexican restaurant in town called Mesa Verde.

Somebody mansplain (or bitchsplain, I don't care) it to me. I somehow missed this anecdote. Just like I mostly missed the Carol Burnett show, because I was in the wrong country.