
Walt wasn't bitter/evil/greedy from the very beginning, but those seeds were always there, thus our opinion evolved as his story moved forward. I think the same will happen with Chuck but in reverse—our opinion will evolve the more we learn about his backstory.

15 years is a pretty big gap between siblings—even ten years, especially if they're the only two

The bigger story, though, might be "what happens to Rebecca?" Which might make us see Chuck differently and perhaps more sympathetically in retrospect. (Kind of like we already are with regards to 'what happens to Kim?")

I can't believe it took me this long to get the point about the bell ringing. I just get so immersed in each BCS show, I forget there was this other show . . .

Oh, how I will miss the clothes of Downton Abbey. The costumers often kept me coming back to this show when the plot left me rolling my eyes. Everything about this show was so gorgeous to look at, in fact. Even Spratt started to look cute after a while.

I thought I upvoted it? Darn it!

*Especially* bloodthirsty criminals.

I actually found it astonishing that Jimmy could do that for Chuck now he knows exactly how Chuck feels about him and that he is actively trying to sabotage Jimmy's career. While I found it totally impossible to believe that Chuck would have done the same for Jimmy. I don't hate him for that, either, I find him

Don't forget this was THE Christmas special in the UK. The big happy ending and everyone reconciling with everyone else was what the occasion called for.

Which reminds me that the whole series began with Mary's fiance going down with the Titanic, due to the glacier/iceberg, and then someone claiming to be him showed up with a whole different face following WW1, and it was generally decided he was a fraud and yet Robert thought he knew mannerisms only the real dude

Me too. The first hair dryer in my household was like a huge plastic shower cap with an exhaust tube, and that was supposed to be the highly up-to-date model!

I'd have liked to have seen more definite future-happiness for Miss No-First-Name Baxter than just the vague staying in touch with Moseley and not being tortured by her past. Her plot line seemed to be left hanging more than anyone else's.

Right, I think Downton Abbey often gets criticized for not being something it never aspired to be.

Chuck is just a snob in that regard. Plus I have to think there's an element of insecurity there, that he somehow feels threatened by Jimmy's success

Hey, I get a newspaper delivered every day—it's not that unusual. I can read it on my laptop too, I just like having a hard copy, call me crazy

Newspapers aren't delivered at 2 a.m. because of print deadlines

Also Robin Williams, IMO

At the end of the last scene he was behaving with Kim as if she was never going to learn the truth, and yet he knew she was going to be in the meeting the next morning when all would be revealed—I was (inwardly) screaming at him to do some pre-emptive damage control, but nooo . . .

Plus I don't think there is/will be that clear-cut a distinction between Jimmy and Saul. I actually find myself getting so immersed with Jimmy, his various legal/semi-legal/not-really-very-legal activities, his relationships with Chuck/Kim/etc. that I basically forget about Saul or that this is a prequel. There

Every time I see Jonathan Banks, I think "But he's only 69!" Seriously, he looks way older