
Good pickup!

The fact that everybody over 65 in the ABQ area knows him as McGill and now hates him?

Me too. Are we supposed to realize what the source of the power was, and if so what was it, because I missed it?

Does it draw electrical power? If that's what you meant.

I think he means Jimmy, but I disagree anyway.

Well, now he has a bad reputation among his elder clients, among others—seems like it's time for a new name, given that we know he continues to work in the same town.

I actually came here to say that I was blown away by how the kid managed not just to sound like Chuck but even had the same mannerisms. Now I'm thinking maybe I should watch/listen again to see if it's actually Chuck's voice.

I may be the only person who—even if I know the episode title ahead of time—completely forgets about it the moment the show begins. I have zero expectations, I just wait for the writers to lay it all out. In the last minutes of this week's episode, I was thinking "Oh yeah, the show was called Lantern, there it is!"

Aren't Jimmy's jabs supposed to be deliberately callous in order to ensure that they work, causing his elder clients to turn against him and unite again with Mrs Landry? "Gentler references" (which he makes in private with Kim) aren't what's called for in that particular crisis.

Oh I see, I guess I didn't get what "practicing law" means, I thought it referred to all legal-related activity.

Yeah, that makes sense, on both counts. Both pride and the need for self-determination, in response to her earlier banishment to document review.

i thought it was something to do with Chuck's electric-phobia?

Confession—I didn't see the crash coming. Any more than Kim did. I was so caught up in the moment, like her.

But he can't practice law right now, and she's got Francesca to deal with the other stuff.

I'm not entirely getting why Kim is doing this insane amount of work, either, unless it's anxiety about how long Wexler McGill can survive if there's no financial input from Jimmy. Which would make it extra ironic that she's rushing out of there while Jimmy is trying to tell her there's a lot of money potentially

No, but I'm pretty sure it was called Krazy 8.

Well, yeah, a bit. Because you're aware that if it wasn't for a fatal flaw, whatever it might be, these would/could have been great men. You don't hate them so much as feel angry and frustrated by them. Tragedy works by making you see what could have been, while at the same time you're appalled by what actually is.

With everything else going on, I'd forgotten Ernie. (Sorry, Ernie.) But now you've made me think he may be back in some small but significant role, with some significant knowledge/info, in the finale.

Older doesn't = stupider. Just sayin'.

Odenkirk is so freaking almost-convincing in the scene where she pours out her heart to him, I found myself questioning whether his motives weren't as impure as I'd thought, while all the time I knew they were.