
I thought I saw Los Pollos Hermanos in the background.

Chuck has to be older than that, surely?

Also earlier in the episode I was wondering if it was lighting or make up deliberately making it look as if she had shadows around her eyes, or if I was imagining that. Guess not!

We don't know what happens to Nacho, though—he may not have any future pain. (I mean, he probably does, but we don't actually know.)

Breaking Bad is still years down the line, though, so Krazy-8 must have had a pretty long evolution into that character.

He's saying what he thinks the therapist wants to hear.

Huh. I had thought he said "St Margaret's" (or St something) and assumed it was a school.

I couldn't figure out if he could hear Nacho dropping pills into the bottle, it sounded so loud—then I figured there's no reason that it would sound like anything suspicious even if he did. But everything about that scene was nail-biting.

Chuck has been trying to sabotage Jimmy's career since the beginning of the series.

I agree except about Howard. We thought he was an asshole all through season 1 and he surprised us—I think there's another twist in store there.

I agree that it could be seen that way, and that Jimmy might have presented it that way to Howard and co. I don't think for a minute that's why he did it, though.

So if a lawyer is known to be mentally ill, delusional, or whatever, there's nothing to stop him taking clients, and no way prospective clients can be alerted to the fact that the person they're paying to take their case is in fact, not to put too fine a point on it, crazy? At the very least, isn't it illegal to

And Jimmy has just made sure they know not only that he's mentally ill but that *it's in the transcript*.

Great article, thanks! Really interesting, and nails a lot of the misogyny involved in the Skyler-responses.

I'm so glad I never read these discussions during Breaking Bad. The whole Skyler hate took me completely by surprise when I discovered it, after the series was over. I guess I can see where it comes from, but it's not an attractive place.

I thought that scene was really well-written—Paige's gloating was grating on me, too, and I can't stand Chuck. The fact the writers then had her turn serious both underlined her recognition of Kim's sincerity and helped cast that whole courtroom scene in a different light. Which in turn underlined the fact that

If he hadn't been intending to bring on a meltdown, there'd have been nothing for Rebecca to support. I don't think there's any way to see Jimmy as having nobler motives here—even Kim acknowledges the reality of what they did (though she feels guilty about it, unlike Jimmy).

I thought it was a humorous riff on the identity parade where every one of them is a completely different physical type.

Is anybody actually claiming BCS is somehow better than BB?

I'm late, I know somebody'll already have said this, but is there any significance to the fact that the first incarnation of Saul Goodman looks like a later (minus the baseball hat) incarnation of Walter White?