
Wish he could actually do it in a game.

This is the truth.

Solid name combo, guys.

Those tickets are going down, we’re yelling timber.

Come on, hold this story until June. We don’t talk about canines until the dog days of summer.

Well, some wounds heal. Soft tissue damage is forever.

Haven’t you been listening to all the pundits? Raw speed is overrated. It’s how he does in his three cone drill that will show us if he can flop down in front of the return man and hope the guy trips on him.

It’d get confusing. We’d need to refer to them as the “Washington sorry excuse for a franchise” to differentiate them from Cleveland. I don’t want to go full Chris Berman.

This seems like it’s a joke, but I don’t get it.

I was hoping someone else had noticed.

I was hoping someone else had noticed.

Here’s to hoping that the XFL’s was fight to the death.


They don’t want Mrs. and Mr. but give me weird looks when I call them by first names. Let’s be real, they’re just mad I’m banging their daughter.

I thought hunting was all about downing beer and shooting things. Sounds like a party to me.

Someone’s got to make sure she doesn’t accept any of those offers to see St. Pat’s magic stick.

Orphan holidays are only great if you’re avoiding family, not friends. If it’s a party holiday like July 4 or Memorial Day, you’re screwed. Did an orphan July 4, could legitimately hear the excited children with firecrackers blowing themselves to pieces outside my apartment and never felt more alone.

For some reason Dec 1 sucks. I don’t get lumped in with this Thankgiving magic y’all are talking about because it’s December and “OMGITSCHRISTMASTIME”.

That took me a second. +1 for the joke, -1 for making me think on a Sunday morning.

Collinsworth shouldn’t even be in the same conversation. He’s that much better.

This needs more love.