He definitely did not deserve the same status as your cousin. Full custody? Going for that right off the bat was not the best way. But had he gone for maybe supervised visitation first, I wonder if your cousin would have allowed it?
He definitely did not deserve the same status as your cousin. Full custody? Going for that right off the bat was not the best way. But had he gone for maybe supervised visitation first, I wonder if your cousin would have allowed it?
And that behavior can only be demonstrated in the first six months? Don't get me wrong, I think men who abandon their babies like that are assholes. I'm sure Loser Dude is an asshole. But there are people out there who turn their lives around, realize they've made a mistake, and should be allowed to at least TRY…
I agree with you and I don't give a shit if that is considered victim blaming. She was already free from the guy, the guy she already knew was an abusive asshole, and then goes on to say "OH I want your sperm?" I feel zero sympathy for her.
....so the guy has a change of heart and wants to see his kid, and he's a MRA whacko? Come the fuck on.
You should see the things they've said about my Schipperke video. Fuckin' youtube commenters, ugh.
I thought my dead Grandma tried contacting me through a touch lamp on the day of her viewing so I cannot judge.
Seriously, your comment? She was being specific as writers are wont to do.
Yeah as long as they're your own kids. My parents have a video of Christmas morning in 1982 with my 1-year old self running around bare-assed because my Mom was letting my "bottom air out" while my brothers finished opening their presents. They shouldn't have to destroy the video because of my bare ass. I think it…
Zac Efron is so hot, I'd make out with him in the sewers.
Honestly I am all for this because I do not believe parents should post nude or semi-nude pictures of their children without their consent. And a 6-month old or 2-year old can't say "Hey Mommy, please don't post my ass on the internet for pageviews."
Dude. That dog looks like GIZMO! holy shit.
There's no way in hell I want to live that long.
Morass? *off to google this fanciful new word so I may begin using it as much as humanly possible*
There are no Namaste stickers on the Lexus SUVs and BMWs that dominate the parking lot of my Whole Foods. I would like to see a drum circle...that would have cheered me up last Tuesday when some Joan-Rivers-looking-bitch almost ran me over in her Porsche as I was entering the store.
The best thing about this guy is his voice. He sounds just like the bearded shop owner in Cabin Fever. "Oh Lord, don't drop that. If you do, that's powerful stuff. All the foxes around would come down here; you'd have friends you'd never had before"
The money?
*sigh* I just love Kanye so much.
Dude needs to go the way of Marky Mark and become an underpants model.