Heir 2.0

It literally just happened.

This won’t spare us from Trump’s presidency. In 2000, everything went insane over a recount in ONE state—this insanity will require at least THREE state recounts.

So? We have nothing to lose anyways? Why not shine a spotlight on how screwed up our system is for voting? How many provisional ballots are being thrown out, for example? And what’s wrong with making sure that we weren’t hacked?

I think Trump is pretty much the worst fucking human on the planet, and I have zero hope that this will lead to anyone other than him being president. But I am hoping that this makes his Thanksgiving leftovers taste a little less delicious and that he pee pees in his pants a little over this.

I know in my logical place that there is no hope here but I’m still in the painful stage of grief from this election (as in sick to my stomach on a daily basis) and I know this will ultimately lead to more pain because I dared but hope but shit man, am I hoping.

Has he though? Because like everything else he promised; that is most likely also a lie. The Grifter-in-Chief will squeeze this country dry.

But he’s such a saint for not accepting that 400k salary. A real American Robin Hood.

Also, vaginal trauma used to be determined by if the hymen was not intact. A terribly inaccurate and dated idea that only sexual contact breaks a hymen.

Sorry post should have read “most lesbians” not “lost lesbians” , kinja won’t let me edit for some reason .

HARD. How about, 15 years for every woman he stole 15 years from.

Also there remains the question about the vaginal trauma...this is so fucked up.

You are leaving out a vital section of this story. This happened at a time when America was gripped with “Satanic Panic” and the medical examiner testified that the women were involved in satanic rituals due to the fact that , in her words, it was a common practice of lost lesbians. Don’t know how you missed that.

Her family, particularly her father, had pressured her to fabricate the story precisely because they were upset by Ramirez coming out as gay. Her father hoped these charges would enable him to win a custody battle.

Her family, particularly her father, had pressured her to fabricate the story precisely because they were upset by Ramirez coming out as gay.

23 years later and we’re still remembering some rando dick who got his dick cut off. Incredible.

Women are mutilated by their partners on such a regular basis that it barely makes the news. In my area alone in the last 2 years a woman’s husband cut her breasts off and a woman who went to my high school had acid thrown in her face by her bf. The acid thrower got a whopping 2 years in prison.

I’d always wondered how hook-ups work because it all seems awkward (I locked in before this was a thing), but the Trump stuff made it clear that a big chunk of it must be dudes doing super inappropriate things to women without their consent and just seeing how far they can get, not really caring how they traumatize

Brand new thoughts? Eh. Self-indulgent white lady navel-gazing? Maybe. I don’t really care. I’m glad women who don’t want kids/marriage are talking about it. We’re still at a point in cultural norms where it’s okay to side-eye and speculate about an unmarried childless woman and assume her pussy’s broken, maybe she’s