Heir 2.0

I think it was the right choice for the first Captain America, period settings seem to justify certain grades, and I guess they just chose to keep it after that for consistency’s sake.

1) Aspartame has never been conclusively shown to have any negative health effects. To suggest otherwise is not only irresponsible journalism, but shoddy science.

Cartoony over saturation? These are comic book superheros! That’s EXACTLY what I expect!

I totally agree that they did this on purpose. I mean, with that much money on the line, it certainly wasn’t an accident. But, WOW, what a mistake. I get it if you want to make a post-apocalyptic movie seem believable, but these are superheros! I already suspended my disbelief when I bought the ticket!

I think the washed out look is okay in certain applications, but it’s such a terrible choice for a superhero film.

I’d go for something in the middle. A little bump in the color. Your example pushes more towards TV show room cartoony over saturation. They have also had some issues with flat audio on a few of the Blu-ray releases.

My interpretation is this is very intentional. When you’re making films based on something as unbelievable as super heros, making the colors muted would “ground” the film and even make it look more believable. I think we see the same thing, only much more extreme, in BvS.

Can’t blame the camera, or the medium recorded on/to. Or the software. That’s all a deliberate choice made by the director or those who fall under their command though. Personally, I hate the washed out, dingy look of a lot of movies. I’m a TV guy, so my stuff tends to be graded very crisp, contrast-y, and rich in

Dismiss choo choo troll please.

That is so frigging true. Just because he’s wearing an ill-fitting suit and not a pair of shiny jackboots doesn’t mean he’s not a goddamn Nazi.

Ah, yes. The Alt Reich at work again.

Seriously, how is it possible that there’s nothing the country can do about this growing, radioactive orange tumor before it has actual power? Is our system of government actually going to let this happen?

Please god, let the Electoral College have a sudden attack of conscience and save us at the last moment from all this horror.

I think it’s really something that the people here are blaming the countries for encouraging terrorism by not treating their Islamic population well enough, instead of the terrorists themselves. You want to know why half the US and half the Western world is railing against progression? This is why.

Out of all the countries in Europe, why is France seemingly getting the brunt of terrorist attacks?

I’ve been thinking about that. How do we keep up our fire in the face of a constant stream of offenses? Then there are all the distractions, such as everyone talking about Trump making an ass of himself on Twitter again, but mostly ignoring the fact that he, Ivanka, and and the Prime Minister of Japan had a

This is heartbreaking and something I may very well have to deal with being as I’m a substitute teacher. In Texas. It’s something I would have had to deal with as a student, too, being that I’m bisexual. I was fairly open about it at school but if my mother had ever gotten word of it... She would have kicked me out of

So much ugh. I can’t even muster surprise anymore. It’s like I’m perpetually outraged, and it’s so tiring.

Thank you for posting this article. Your article is very educational and so spot-on. I cannot thank you enough for posting this!

I haven't read this all yet - it's pretty long - but I definitely will.