Heir 2.0

I have taken to telling folks that I am “covid-fine.” With a distinct unimpressed-with-myself inflection to my voice.

Everyone loves fall, and I think the reason because we crave connection with nature. The other seasons sort of slide into each other - mushy winter into wet spring, wet spring into summer thunderstorms - but fall generally ARRIVES, with either a nip in the air or lowering of temperatures from fucking hot to generally

I am 100% a white suburban housewife who loves fall and sweaters and pumpkin spice lattes. IDK how this article got into Thanksgiving? Which, while technically in the fall is just a dress rehearsal for Christmas. The secret is, I live in Georgia. In the fall, it is the end of 4+ months of temperatures over 90 and all

Carcinoma is cancer. It sounds to me like she’s is very much talking about cancerous tumors, right?

Well, emergency surgery for a “destroyed” ovary is mentioned, which suggests the ovary actually ruptured. That’d be a surgical emergency. If the ovary is intact but just keeps growing hideous cysts while pumping out hormones that contribute to endometriosis, that’s just excruciatingly painful, not a surgical emergency.

I am 1000% in support of Hilary here, but I wonder what treatment they denied. She had already had one ovary removed due to clinically diagnosed disease, why did they not rubber stamp the same thing for the other one and be done?

This isn't outing. What gawker did was outing.

Man, it’s a shame when The Atlantic follows bad habits of tabloids.

At the time of the original article, I think he was using they/them, but now is using he/him. Also, I tend to agree-this largely seems like a self-inflicted burden, and it’s hard to blame The Atlantic for this one particular issue. In fact, I might go so far as to say that doing so actually distracts from and

If you don’t want to be outed to your family then you should probably avoid giving consent to have your photograph used in connection with an article about “gender dysphoria and debates different views on teens wanting to transition.”

So YOU respond to an open call to be featured in a very famous and widely circulated magazine, you talk to the writer extensively, not on the basis of anonymity, and even participate in a photoshoot for the magazine. You post said photo on your instagram (twice), saying you look hot in it. Then you say the magazine

They did ask to use his photo and he consented. I’m not sure having it on page 15 or whatever is technically doing any less to “out” him then having it on the cover. Does his Grandfather not read his Atlantic subscription?

I’m inclined to agree. If you don’t want to be outed to your family then you should probably avoid giving consent to have your photograph used in connection with an article about “gender dysphoria and debates different views on teens wanting to transition.” It’s hard to pin this one entirely on the Atlantic. 

I’ve read through the article like three times now, and I am confused about what Brewer was told and when, and what the actual claim of wrongdoing against The Atlantic is. I get that the ultimate wrong here is supposed to be that Brewer was (in addition to being misgendered) “outed without consent by a national

I want to be as excited about this as I was about Thor Ragnarok with it similar Gonzo 80s visual motifs, and for it to be as ultimately satisfying and well-crafted. But, you know, not counting on it. I also want to like Gal Gadot, but her only three facial expressions — sweetly smiling, sweetly blank, and unconvincing

I bet you’d wish on the monkey’s paw too. 

Can you cover your portion of the rent and observe personal space expectations?

Great catch! There was another film called The Temp, starring Lara Flynn Boyle, Timothy Hutton, and Faye Dunaway with a similar take. Lara is the "crazy" stalker in this one, and there's a scene where Timothy is outside her apartment window listening to her masturbate. You would think he would be seen as the creeper

I remember watching this and being HELLA surprised that a woman masturbating was shown onscreen! Of course, it’s an exploitation flick so it’s to show that Hedy (alone in her room with every expectation of privacy) is CRAZY ‘cause she gets herself off. Meanwhile her spying roomie is shown as shocked/turned on, and

I follow her on tiktok and she has been worryingly open about her mental health issues — or rather, her mental health issues are worrying, and putting them on social media when she has almost 600k followers is also worrying. She also posts thirst traps more often than I’m personally comfortable with, considering she’s