Heir 2.0

*Freud's ghost rises from the grave* IT'S A DICK LADIES AND GENTLEMEN.

That is absolutely meant to look like a native headdress....jesus christ.

It's not that it's incorrect, it's just that it's a logical fallacy and often used as a silencing tactic.

Yeah but it doesn't mean smaller issues should get no attention. Obviously there needs to be resources put toward solving serious and dangerous issues, and they should be top priority, but so often people act as if they are the ONLY priority.

Oh noooo girl. Nooo.

My brother was in Gibraltar a few years back, and a monkey snatched his sunglasses, and all the tour guide said was "You are not getting those back...unless you're willing to lose an eye or a chunk of your nose."

Yep! Heels, glue,paint, cocktail swords and a heat gun would really be all one needs.

Because media does help form our collective ideas and society, and they're worthy of critique. No media is totally self contained. What we create/watch does influence us, maybe not directly, but over time it normalizes or damns certain things. There's nothing wrong with the making of disturbing content, it's how you

Yeah, this article and the comments reek of privileged people stealing for the rush of it. I knew several white girls when I was younger that would shoplift despite being rich enough to buy anything they want. They always wondered why I didn't join in, and the answer was that I've seen an aboriginal friend of mine get

Yeah but the corporations don't suffer from theft, the minimum wage workers do. Company losses mean that employees get their bonuses removed, and entry level employees get fired.

Well, Eli Roth deserves the hate in general, as he's a huge piece of shit.

I'm not surprised about the London cabbie thing...people say they have the best in the world, but that's simply not true if you're a woman. I much preferred taking buses and the tube, even when weirdos were on the train I never got harassed the way I did in cabs in London. 4 out of the 5 cabs I took, the driver

Yeah these were surprisingly nonthreatening.


I'm a size 4 and these photos are making me feel like I'm a whale. WHO ARE THEY TRYING TO APPEAL TO HERE?

I was bullied so badly as a kid I had to be put into homeschooling, and I ended up in emotionally abusive relationships later in life as well. Bullying effects you long after it happens.

Why do that when you can join league of legends for free? It's just pure compressed hate in game form.

Chew menthol gum!

Yeah, if another writer was at the helm, I'd be all for a female doctor. But with Moffat's track record/reliance on tropes it would be a bloody disaster.