Heir 2.0

*Hipster voice* But it's like, totally fair trade organic dirt imported from machu picchu , then roast over a burning sage fire. You're palette just isn't ~refined enough~ for it.

They grey system really didn't fix much on the troll/asshat front it seems(I mean really how did some of these people get followed?).

Exactly! Could you imagine taking a blow from a heavy axe to a chest plate like that? OUCH. There'd be a crunch from the sound of your sternum shattering.

But they wouldn't be dumb enough to make the armor useless for the sake of sex appeal. The "boobplate" thing just means that all the force from a blow goes right into the dipped area of the armor, and taking even a bit of force could seriously fuck up your sternum.

Not to mention he could have just made him an americano or french press if they don't do drip coffee(dude was probably just looking for a weak-ish coffee that's on the sweet side). And I assume "approachable" means less bitter, because a trend right now in hipster coffee shops is having sickenly bitter and grassy

Yeah, and he implies that the "approachable" coffee is somehow worse/less interesting? Shouldn't all your coffee options be approachable? Because they should all taste good, just different?

That'd be Korn, dude.

There's even bigoted/fundamentalist athiest too. When people take their religious beliefs too seriously, they go straight off the rails and into crazy land.

Yeah, I've been commenting regularly and getting starred often....but us peasants still languish with harassers and trolls in the greys. Sucks real hard.

Stop making the rest of us vegetarians look like assholes.


Considering these people are insanely lucky, and events like these give out thousands of dollars in swag to attendees....I think they can put in a bit of effort.

Why does it look like a toilet seat though?

The way you dress shows respect. If these people don't care about the royal family, I wouldn't be too angry at them at all. But reporters expecting the royal family to pay attention to them while not showing the basic respect of dressing nicely...that's just not fair. They dressed up for the press, the press should

It's like a flesh whoopie cushion.

I get trying to go for a soft look...but this is more of a "gently electrocuted" look.

Reminds me of the witch from spirited away!

I think her ideas are great, but in later tweets she said she wanted to throw piss and shit at iggy, if that counts as "raw" and not terrible behavior...I don't think that's entirely right.

Yeah, it sounds about what I'd expect. It's not a monstrosity, she's hitting the notes, but her voice is just burnt out/squeaky(maybe she even has a sore throat).

What photographer woke up one morning and said "I have a great idea for a new stock photo, let's make some foamy seafood. I'LL TITLE IT CLEAN EATING AND IT WILL BE MY MASTERPIECE."