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    As a white republican Catholic man and father of white Catholic boys I would appreciate hearing opinions on how to be better. I reject your two fallacies of appealing to traditional and association. Someone else’s actions do not define me and my sons and I can do better. Let’s turn the emotional fuel about this

    I’ve never met “those” people. Do they all have the last name Strawman?

    A one-month old, a teenager, and a 90-year old are very different. Biology tells me they were all once a zygote, embryo, and early-stage fetus. Your grandma was a zygote at one point in her life. Isn’t that cool?

    I like the photo for this article (showing a child in a womb). It shows precisely why so many of us believe in protecting the health (life) of unborn children.

    Excellent points from Nick!

    Tech solutions are great, but parents can do wonders with a simple rule like, “You have to get permission before watching a new show.” Simple and fully customizable. Also works across platforms. :)

    Tossing this out there. Can employers make employees keep their salary and benefits confidential? ... I’m 99% sure they can’t.

    This is crap click-bait journalism. I thought there might actually be some evidence in the article that would challenge my assumptions. Nope, just a politically-driven fog-horn of fallacy. I miss the days when Lifehacker had publishing standards.

    Absolutely. Acknowledging that people, intentions, and actions are separate things is key. You can love and respect a person without approving or tolerating their actions.

    This was an informative read, sincerely thank you. My wife and I have a ‘traditional Catholic’ home and raise our children as such. We spend a fair amount of time explaining to our kids that we should always love and respect others even if we disagree with them. This article is a nice perspective piece.

    No reference. Its what my wife told me, which is why I hedged the statement with ‘apparently’. True or not makes no difference to me and I’ve grown smart enough to not argue over things that don’t change the end result. (I wanted the kids to get a phone so they could be more independent in the neighborhood)

    Wow, a super timely article. I just setup our household’s first “kid” TracFone phone. The only reason we have it is because we don’t have a landline and its apparently illegal to not have a way for someone to call 911 from your home.

    My wife and I deciding together that she would stay home with the kids has been the best decision of our life thus far. I watch my double income co-workers spend 10x on kids activities during weekends and holidays to “make up” for the time they’re not spending with their kids. Yes, we will make less money in a

    Thank you!

    I wish people knew more about the probability of conception. At a women’s peak fertility its maybe 50/50. I also wish alternatives to contraceptives were presented in a factual tone instead of a dismissive tone. (FYI - I teach NFP through CCLI)

    I had no idea this was a thing ... been married 10 years. Thank you for writing the article. I have kids that will eventually enter the dating world and I’m glad that people are sharing ways to incorporate empathy back into technology.

    This makes me sad. How are parents supposed to parent if educators can withhold information from them? Educators are educators. Parents are parents.

    I am not suggesting you, or anyone else, get an IUD. (Everyone - at least 1)

    I consider planks to be the king of core exercise. Unless we can count weight exercises, which would put squats and overhead press at or near the top. Nothing says, “work hard abs!” better than a bunch of weight trying to tilt and compress your core.

    Another tip is that babies don't use stuff for very long. Find people with a kid 6 months to a year older and ask to borrow it.