“That’s the magic of Fire Island, you bond with people that you wouldn’t normally bond with.”
“That’s the magic of Fire Island, you bond with people that you wouldn’t normally bond with.”
Professionalism or not, being BFFs with Scalia is highly suspect.
I’m sorry, I have to say something. I’m a Bernie supporter, and a longtime Jezebel reader, AND I was there in the room. I shot some videos that have been aired on major networks, and I actually have a relatively neutral perspective. Could you please interview me for an alternate view of what happened, instead of just…
The problem is not that she’s a white person leading an NAACP chapter. The problem is that she’s a white person who seemingly lied about being black and then headed an NAACP chapter.
But maybe they are? I weigh 150 and I’m between a 4 and a 6 in most US brands. Vanity sizing, yo.
I’m actually so happy she gave a specific number for how much she weights. I know the number isn’t supposed to matter, and two people who weigh the same thing can look very different, but I feel like I’m constantly hearing about women who weigh 135 and want to lose 5 or 10 more lbs and it makes me sick. I just saw Amy…
The joke here doesn’t need to be deeply explained, does it? Inside Amy Schumer pulled off a clever Friday Night…
I'm just going to leave this here.
I love this.
Every time I read an article explaining how white people who think they are helping really aren't... this is the response from so many white people. "I don't know what to do then, maybe I should just do nothing?" If we stay inactive with the excuse of "not accidentally making things worse," we're letting the racist…
Fun fact: most people are able to listen to more than one type of podcast.
Funny if you think that this isn't 100% more mainstream and less hipster than the comedy podcast world.
Have you listened to it at all? I know the feeling that when something becomes popular you want to avoid it, but it's just a fascinating story.
I'm pretty sure the "false imprisonment" charge has been mentioned, but they called it kidnapping. Not so sure about the robbery charge, maybe because he (allegedly) took her car, too?
"Syed was convicted in 2000 of robbery, false imprisonment"
The scariest part of serial so far was when the police expert called the detectives' work, "average to above average." >:-O=