
I just think you guys seem more upset at the thought of some rando internet commenter keying someones car than the actual topic at hand. Again, no one said keying the car was totally ok behavior. No one. Someone might piss me off and I might talk about wanting to punch them in the face. Doesn't mean I'll actually do

No one said it was right so I'm not sure what all the fuss is about.

So someone keyed your car? Do tell!

No one said YOU should do anything. If I saw a car with a racist bumper sticker and noticed someone keyed the hell out of it, I'm pretty sure the last thing I would feel is sympathy. I think we can all agree that vandalism is wrong but I can't be mad at the OP for "wanting" to key this person's car.

Well then don't do shit that might make someone key your car. Every single person I know that has had their car keyed had it coming.

Oh? So you were there? No? Okay then stfu.

You obviously don't live in California.


So what would you call someone that disagrees with me but also has no intention on having a civil discourse?

So if I say "All black people are stupid moneys" and someone calls me out on how fucked up it is to say that, THEY are the dumb one? Its not like there aren't plenty of people who would agree with that statement.

I totally agree. I have recently bought into the "do not feed" mantra but honestly, I prefer to engage these people. I notice if enough people come at them with logic, they almost never continue the conversation. They'll open with something stupid/offensive, a few commenters might politely but firmly dismantle the

Care to elaborate?

What the actual fuck? I can't even. :(

We have a deal


Periods motherfucker! Do you use em?!

Fuck no! We can't take anymore crazypants'.

DJ Khaled you Thirsty!

Your caps has convinced me. I will buy it today. But if it doesn't work,... I'll find you!

OMG staaaaahp!