
YUP! My fiance's friend posted this to his facebook and I told him politely why it was all horse shit. Thankfully, he understood and took it down. Hes not a bad guy just REALLY dense when it comes to this stuff.

My dating philosophy: You don't know what you like until you try everything on the menu.

What Sklay said. Check it out.

When I first met my fiance, I thought he was too tall, too skinny, too pale, talked too damn much, and had bad teeth. I got over all that stuff pretty quickly. Raving and World of Warcraft brought us together.

O sweetheart... Part of what you are saying is correct. The sales associate/waitress/cashier/barista is there to make things easier. However, all bets are off once you start screaming and carrying on like a dickhead. Being a parent is no excuse. Having a bad day is no excuse. Do you do this to people when you don't

Right? The way some of these people talk, you would think there were roller-coaster accidents all the time. I don't do planes so I get it but you wont see me going "WHY DO PEOPLE STILL RIDE THESE THINGS?!?!" every time one crashes.


Shhhh don't feed!

I'm atheist and black. I feel you.

Its tough for sure. On the one hand, I wanted to see GZ rot in prison. On the other hand, his case was made. GZ is about as not guilty as Casey Anthony but I do feel that the jurors made the best decision they could with the evidence/information they had. Innocent until proven guilty. I just wish Trayvon got that same

Thats not a "black community" thing. Thats a "criminals will retaliate against you if they find out you talked" thing that isn't exclusive to the black community. Though, I'm sure criminal and black is interchangeable to you.

I'm 29 and I LOVE skittles. I didn't realize it was only for 5 year olds lol. Snopes debunked the myth that they were using pictures of him when he was 12. You're talking out of your ass but you already know that.

GZ may be half-white but there sure are a hell of a lot of white people that think Trayvon was a drugged-up nigger thug who deserved what he got so excuse us if we are a little weary.

Pfffft fuck OJ. His stupid trial coverage was always interrupting Power Rangers.

I got caught up in the protest while going to visit my mom in LA . It seriously took like 3 minutes to go around and go about my day. If anyone needed to get to work but had to pass the protest, they were probably warned. And your boss would have to be a serious piece of shit to write you up for being late knowing

Actually, we do all the time.

I don't think it has to do with getting old. I'm 29 and while I wouldn't wear cheeky shorts myself, I don't really get the outrage. A little ass cheek wont hurt anyone.

Its funny because I'm never really trying to look "nice". I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl. I just think I look way more put together by comparison. He really is a hot mess though. Taking him clothes shopping is like giving a cat a bath.

I have always dated everyone. "You don't know what you like til you try everything on the menu!" is my motto. I know... kinda corny but it works! My fiance is white and I'm black. I have a pretty diverse mix of friends so no one I know personally would ever talk shit about him as far as race goes though some expressed

You can say whatever you want. Just don't be surprised if people think you're a racist douche biscuit.