
Chill out there, turbo. YOU are making all the assumptions about me and these two cases. I never claimed that Zimmerman was guilty of murder but I do feel the facts aren't there to back up his side of the story. I just want to know what the hell happened between the time that the dispatcher told him not to pursue to

A kid killed for actually trying to break into some dude's house is quite different than a kid killed for walking down the street. The color of everyone involved wouldn't matter here either.

I never grew out of my picky eating habits but I certainly wouldn't blame my parents for that. I would be pretty pissed, however, if they were physically shoving food down my throat every night. I actually came really close to cursing out a coworker once because somehow the story of my eating habits came up and she

I totally get your boyfriend's younger brother. I'm 29 and I REFUSE to eat veggies and most fruits. Sometimes I crave spaghetti-Os and I'm content with Capt Crunch berries for dinner. I can down a 41 ounce bag of skittles in 1 sitting and I probably do it more often than I should. I only eat food that my mom,

I hate it when people say that. A grown man killed an unarmed teenager. It doesn't matter what the kid's race was. A kid died for no reason and thats gonna be fucked up and wrong forever.

White privilege isn't about getting everything that you want. Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean its not there. I'm not saying you should shut up and hate yourself for being white but you would be surprised at some of the bullshit non-white people in your position have had to go through.

No way! I don't think it looks very good on her but to say it looks stupid on everyone is some serious horse poo.

I would say its "Hip Hop Culture" rather than black culture. I don't like hiphop/rap/R&B but a lot of my friends do (mostly Koreans). They call women "females" and it makes me cringe pretty hard.

Yeah I'm not feeling her make up at all. I think she needed a darker blush and maybe purple or brown eye-shadow. And is that a weave? I thought it was a relaxer with maybe an added track in the back.

I really have a hard time understanding why people like you give more than 0 fucks about a strangers weight. I apologize in advance for sounding like an asshole but do you not have other pressing things to worry about? I come from a long line of fatties and I'm one of two thin females in my family. I've seen them all

I'm pretty sure she was fat before that. You think she bulked up for the role then said fuck it?

Don't ignore skin color. Some people are white. Some people are black. Some people are all the other awesome colors in between. Just don't treat people different (read: shity) and its all good.

Too short for a weave. Its totes a relaxer.

I don't like it when non-black people talk about someone or something not being black enough. If you can wrap your head around the fact that there are white Africans, why can't you also grasp the concept that all black women don't look like fucking Gabourey Sidibe?

Those are period pieces you're talking about. I can get behind your point of not having to where armor because it could be heavy and make someone slower. But a thong? There is no reason a female hero in the span of 30 years should be wearing a thong or have have her tits barely covered. Skin-tight? Totally.

I feel the exact same way about levels with lava! I like learning about volcanoes and I can look at pictures of them and I can sometimes deal with them in movies (I had a panic attack at the end of LOTR but Volcano with Tommy Lee Jones didnt phase me) but if I have to deal with lava in a video game, its over. I had to

I started using Lavalife around 19-20. I was still super shy at the time, people from school/work bored the hell out of me, and I wanted to meet dudes that I wouldn't have met otherwise. I don't think you can be too young as long as you are over 18. I saw and met all kinds of men and enjoyed meeting new people and

I dunno, man. I'm pretty dumb but sick burns are my specialty. Off the internets anyways.

Because then fat people will feel good about themselves and stuff. And if fat people feel good about themselves then other people will want to be fat... or something.

Society is afraid of hurting fat people's feelings? When the fuck did this happen?