It's like you deliberately missed the point.
It's like you deliberately missed the point.
Yeah, yeah, there's a double standard. When it swings our way, we get more power, more freedom, and entirely better lives than women do. When it swings their way, they get to make 'sexist' jokes and draw cartoon dicks. I'm crying into my neckbeard about how unfair life is to me as a man.
And yet you took the time to comment!
Dude, relax.
I don't know. But that lacefront is a crime against everyone everywhere.
All negative assertions about his "cultural influence" aside (because lawd knows an artist can't appreciate and emulate a sound native to a culture without people getting all crazy over it - seriously people, calm your tits)....
I am unabashedly in love with Diplo and have been for so long it's kind of embarrassing that my crush has not abated. And I loathe Perry's music but for whatever god-forsaken reason I don't find this objectionable. I really don't know why.
It's the beginning of the end, is what it is. Or the end of the beginning? Damn, now I even sound like Riff Raff.
When I added him to my Songkick I was like "Is this what your grandparents marched for? So you could pay to see a tall white man with a BET tattoo and Shirley Temple curls swerve around on stage?" I couldn't answer because I was too busy trying to figure out if it would be square to bring a cut-out of Oprah's head on…
I listen to a lot of house music and noticed that recently, a lot of them are coming out of London and they're also like, barely adults. I think Disclosure are like, 19 and 22.
I am going to see him live next week. With two of my girlfriends. One of them asked me if they could wear just a thong to the show, and I said only if it's Versace. :(
I definitely would. I'd even let him keep all of those dumb ass rings on.
No. No no no no no no no no. No. NO. You CANNOT date John Mayer and then all of a sudden date Diplo. No. I will not allow it. Just because you collaborated with Juicy J on something doesn't give you the right to date Diplo. Nope. GO AWAY KATY PERRY YOU'RE RUINING MY LIFE.
I was already embroiled in inner conflict over Diplo and then you closed it out with Riff Raff, who conjures up so many feelings of shameful attraction, fear, pity and more shameful attraction? And singing the song that I hate but also quote (I can't see a BMW without thinking "B-M-Dub/ never been a scruub") but…
I admit that's kind of the principal reason why I find him so tasty.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: that white boy can get it get it get it.
Ahh this, this. I can't speak for PoC being a white woman, but my education has taught me enough that in many, many cases black women choose to adopt white features like straightened hair because they're own features aka the hair that grows naturally from their head is shamed! You can't flip this issue, unless you…
Not really, the commenters have been open to discussing this particular issue, and have given examples of the problems with beauty standards in America. After giving said answers, the reaction most white women on this particular comment board has been "So just because I am a White Woman I am evil?!!! Everyone is…