
Give your BF a pat on the back for me please!

Ha! That was a good one

Nah dude you're totally right. I live in one of the LA beach cities and I swear we are all wearing the same thing 24/7. Hollywood isn't that much better unless you work in the "industry".

Hes been in some pretty crappy movies. I didn't see John Carter but I thought Savages was meh and his character in Battleship made me want to hit him over the head with a shovel.

Tell him he can say whatever he wants as long as hes ok with looking like a dildo.

"And what kind of basic bitch would shake her ass in a video for a little kid?"

Theres one where a guy throws a brick into a dryer. Best one yet.


The term wigger is pretty lame. You're* pretty much calling him a white nigger because he hangs out with a bunch of black people. That term just never sat right with me for that reason.

My grandmother does not want to be called a nigger or a nigga. Thanks but no thanks.

Nope unless its to something I might have been interested in going to (usually not). We spend 80% of our time together playing video games so we enjoy the time apart. I go to clubs and raves without him and his friends are always like "Dude, wtf are you doing?!".

I hear what you're saying. Especially about Perez Hilton.

I think it would be an appropriate phrase to say when everything goes to shit hahaha

Holy crap! Seems like your aunt got creepy vibes from him aswell?

This happened to my cousin a few Easters ago! We decided to go clubbing (young and bored I guess). We were heading to Hollywood when he first realizes he has to poop. Didn't think much of it at first until we were sitting in traffic for like 5 mins and it started to get unbearable for him. At this point we couldn't

CVS already has them!

He called their baby a mistake and called Chelsea a ugly, fat, stretch marked bitch. Then she got back with him! Many sads were had. :(

Tybera is totally not trying to hear what you have to say but I applaud your efforts. Thank you for not being a dumbass. <3

I have not met one single non-asian person that tried out an asian accent and didn't come off as a total racist.

I hate to get all body/face shamey but wtf is going on with LeAnn's face? I used to think she was beautiful but these pictures make her look like a Disney villain. Its the make-up right? RIGHT?!