
Don't worry, you aren't alone. I can't stand the dude and I wish he would go away. :(

There has been conversation about Tiny Tina since a little after release. Hes definitely not the ONLY person to find her problematic. Its just the only conversation I've seen get blown up by the media. I mean it does involve the lead writer and not just a bunch of randos on a forum so I can understand how it fell

"Sacco couches his own personal opinion as if Tiny Tina's writing is scientifically proven to be racist, when it's obviously not as clear-cut as that."

Please, PLEASE tell me this is sarcasm. I can't tell anymore. :/

I hate to be combative but your post comes off as a little condescending. I'm not gonna defer to your knowledge just because you work with teens and attended school with teens at some point in your life nor am I gonna take your guarantee. In my last post I stated exactly why *I* find her character offensive. I don't

So would the concern be more legitimate if Mike Sacco was black? I don't think Tiny Tina has to go or that she should be altered in the future but to say this guy is trying to score some black points over twitter is a tad ridiculous to me.

I have never heard any bunch of teenagers talk like that. In fact, the only people I have heard talk like that are people who are trying to make fun of black people and the way we talk. Thats just my own little slice of anecdotal evidence so if another black person has never experienced that then I can see why they

I found Tiny Tina problematic but changing her wont do any good. If he was gonna change her he should have done so before BL2 released. All its gonna do now is piss of the racist/"non-politically correct" crowd.

Thats the thing tho. No one is telling me how to feel. Its not like everything was cool then some white person says "Hey guys, you should find this racist." and we go "o shit! You're right!". The OP doesn't find this offensive. I do. Some white people don't find this offensive. Some do. So on and so forth.

I grew up in south central as well but I totally found this character offensive. I loved the game which is why I was willing to look past it but yeah she never sat right with me.

I don't really understand what you're getting at. This is a discussion not a petition to ban her forever and send her to the moon. Your girlfriend can do whatever she wants. That doesn't mean we all have to like it.

Keni is too good for this anyway.


"i don't ever want to get another message asking for tips on how to get the bruised up/thin hair/no sex drive (u can't get wet when ur malnourished imnot joking)/bad skin/sleep 15 hours a day body i had over the summer. if you want to look and feel like i did you're a fucking moron and i will straight up tell you that

Jezabel, why do you hate leggings? Why? They aren't for everyone but why so much hate?

yeah I stopped drinking coke because as I got older, I was getting a little fatter in the belly area. I still have one from time to time because its SO FUCKING GOOD but 2 or 3 a month versus 3 or 5 a day definitely got me back into 6-pack territory.


Another atheist here and alls I can say is YES!

Ugh dude, don't be a dildo. It never is and never will be cool.

Thats exactly what I got from it. A few of my friends talk about how they LOVE the look of the eyelid surgery and it completely grosses me out. I end up having to say something along the lines of "STFU, your eyes are FINE!". Maybe I'm a bad friend but I'm sorry, I don't support this shit at all.