"Exclude women from meaningful participation in the discourse, and you're left in a virtual Chief Keef video—a barren room full of shirtless bros shaking their dreads back and forth, forever."
"Exclude women from meaningful participation in the discourse, and you're left in a virtual Chief Keef video—a barren room full of shirtless bros shaking their dreads back and forth, forever."
I'm glad she finally saw the light! Your dad sounds like my sister's second baby-daddy. Dude hadn't worked in 10 years and that was before she got pregnant. He too was the type to act like everyone was against him. The few jobs he worked, he would get fired randomly and say some higher-up had a problem with him and it…
Try the rest of television besides BET and the two Spanish/Asian channels.
Damn dude. That is some fucked up ass shit. I gotta give my family credit. They may have been some racist assholes but they don't play around with family. Even our mixed/non-black relatives. We thought we were gonna have issues with our Chinese aunt but once they got to know her, they absolutely adore her. Now anytime…
I understand where you're coming from. My family were perfect examples of who I didn't want to grow up to be and by far the most racist people I've ever encountered aside from my fiance's family (I don't have to deal with them because they hate my dark-skinned guts, thankfully). My grandparents and great grandparents…
hahahahaha Touche!
Maybe? I'm black with a pretty afrocentric family and upbringing up until about college age when I was finally able to go out and explore the world somewhat. I'm 28 years old and yeah, this kind of shit pisses me off. I also live and work in a predominantly white area and racist micro-aggressions peek from behind…
"As an African-American, I am offended when people use blackface even as a costume to be their favorite rapper because at the end of the day, they have the ability to wash whatever product they used to make themselves appear darker and be the race/ethnicity they were before then. But at the end fo the day, I don't get…
There are some people here who have already touched on the history of racism and blackface so I'll spare you all that. What bugs me the most about this is that she looks nothing like Kanye. She does, however, kinda look like a black guy. I went to google to see if I could find pictures of Kanye in a du-rag. I found…
White Chicks was a TERRIBLE movie. Terrible. The only scene worth watching is the Terry Crews raver scene. The rest of the movie is pure garbage. Why do people feel the need to compare that to the history of blackface? Its like wondering why theres no White Entertainment Television.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa! Whoa! Hold on here! As a black woman and totes the authority on dreads, I have to say that there are an ass-ton of white dudes that look damn fine with dreadies (not this guy though). Its cornrows that white men should avoid at all costs.
wait... WHAT?!
SWTOR... -_____-. At least huttball was awesome.
You might wanna read up on that story before you come here with that.
Yeah, you're right. In all honesty, my aunt would buy this for my sister. :(
I've seen two people shot to death before I reached high school so I can understand where you're coming from. The first time I saw someone killed, it was around the time Mortal Kombat came out. I remember playing it during one of our field trips and my teacher comes over looking pretty appalled. In probably the…