
Thats how I feel about people who like The Walking Dead.

My dad was a little player back in his day. Two children and three miscarriages. I think somewhere around the miscarriages he finally learned how to use a condom and had a planned child for once later on (my youngest brother). I love him to death but eesh! Way to be that guy. My mom was pretty terrified when she was

"OMG look at THE BABY! LOOK!! Did you see THE BABY?!"

I really can't stand being around kids. Like ever. And don't get me started on babies. They are the worst! Most of my family understands. My friends understand (even the ones with kids) and laugh their heads off any time I'm in an awkward situation with a child. I find the only people who get in my face about it are

But old people, men, and kids DO suck. They really do.

Yeah the story of Job and Abraham were a few of the many reasons I started to reject Christianity as a child. Also the "fact" that being a good person isn't enough to get into heaven. By that logic, the westboro baptist church people will go to heaven but not peaceful people who belong to different religions? No way

I love it because I talk all slangy normally. Its not for everyone but its definitely for me.

hahaha I love you for that.

psssh Yeah because I'm totally looking to burn 20$ on a shitty book that says I'm a retarded bitch that doesn't know how to keep a man.

Yeah totally no harm and if it were just as you said, I wouldn't care. However, the shit she said was judgey and full of slut-shame and thats where we have issues.

"If a girl deliberately sleeps with another girl’s boyfriend, her problem isn’t being a slut. Her problem is having a sociopathic lack of integrity."

Yep! Pretty much why I hate this video and get a little confused when I see people say "But really guys, shes right. One night stands are dangerous". Dude so is driving a car.

I feel that just because you let a stranger into your house doesn't mean that the obvious outcome should be the stranger harming you. And just because you do know the person doesn't mean they wont harm you. I guess my point is that following all the rules for safety won't always keep us safe and just because someone

I don't think its good practice to let someone in your house that you don't know but I believe its a far cry from being an idiot. I definitely wouldn't call the woman raped by cop an idiot.

I think we can all agree that thats a pretty cool thing to do especially for some lady you don't know. The problem lies where she says things like "Hooking up with a lot of dudes doesn't make you cool. Hooking up with one dude that you care about, and know, and have strong feelings for, makes you cool." I never hooked

Exactly. Thats pretty much always been the rule my friends and I had.

What happens if you invite a friend over and they bring a friend of theirs that you don't know? Do you still kick him out? What if the friend that you know and let into your house willingly decides to attack/rape you? Are you still an idiot? What about the lady that was raped by a cop when she was drunk and agreed to

hahaha This might have been a jk but yeeeeah... No judgment here ;)

No worries. Glad I could help.