You don't have to read to "Fuck You" segments. A lot of us are enjoying it.
You don't have to read to "Fuck You" segments. A lot of us are enjoying it.
Any person who would give a dirty look to an old person or someone with a disability or even just someone walking with a small child, is an asshole. Slow walkers anger me with the fire of a million suns but there are exceptions. Must of us can go around you and go about our day. Don't take it personal. Its not.
Saw it on my big screen as well. I believe glorious is the perfect term.
Stopping in the middle of the street... People like you destroy my world! Especially if I wanna make a left or right turn because we kinda have to wait for you and all. Why must you hurt me? I just want to get to where I need to go without running down a pedestrian. :/
I dunno man. I like to think I have a decent troll radar but it didn't go off here.
You asked you question and got an answer. If you want respect, you gotta at least try to give some back. Saying "Well, she was mean to me so why should I be nice to her?!" won't cut it. Especially since she wasn't really mean to you. Are you being serious or getting your troll on? Because you seem awfully trolly.
Well I hope you were under the opinion that the movie sucked otherwise I have to agree with the dude. ;)
Even if someone has a different opinion, you can usually tell if they are trolling or trying to have a serious conversation. If they say something against the grain and get a bunch of replies but don't respond, I put them in the troll category. If they are engaging with people and kind of poking around for answers,…
Ah ok. So its different when you do it. Gotcha.
My grandmother does that to all of the grand kids (I'm the second oldest at 28) so its not spoiled for the little ones. Ugh grandma I love you but I DON'T WANT TO LIVE IN YOUR LIE ANYMORE!
"Why don't we have a "Meditate on..." week, give us something spiritual and positive as we head into the holiday season."
In this case, fuck you IS positive.
Awww poor, made up lady.
Definitely rape.
My ex-boyfriend made a lot of rapey chloroform jokes (Hey, does this smell like chloroform to you?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! jk I don't have chloroform!) so I can totally see this as such.
Ha! My first thought was "KNUCKLES!!!!".
As a California resident, I disagree. Also, catcalls are common but I'll be goddamned if I let some disgusting fucks dictate how I dress until I'm not desirable to them anymore. Look at my boobs all you want then promptly get over it. Simple.
Sigh Wendy Williams. I tried to give you a chance and even used to defend you but no. Just no. First the skinny girl thing now this?
Definitely would have avoided the hell out of these kids at school.
A lot of us were pretty pissed off around 2004 so I don't hold it against ya, Psy. I accept your apology. <3