Agreed. If I quit my barista job tomorrow, my co-workers would get all my hours until they could replace me. Sometimes someone quitting or getting fired can be the best thing ever because that means you're getting over 30hours for the next 2 (maybe more) weeks.
I agree that two weeks notice is the smart thing to do but sometimes the job is just so bad that "Fuck these assholes" just kind of takes over and you no longer care. If I had to quit my current job I would give them all the notice in the world. My last job tho? Fuck those assholes.
Nah thats ok. I like being selfish.
Sweet Brown is the truth!
"Oh so I'm a troll because my opinion is different from yours?!"
"But here's the thing. It's not that your life has been easy, per se, it's just that certain hardships have been absent—hardships that affect other groups in ways that are most likely invisible to you. You're not personally being blamed for anything, nor is anyone asking you to abandon your own interests and concerns.…
Its ok dude. At first glance, I thought she was black too.
I wear skinny jeans that accentuate my ass. That must mean I'm easy and wanted it, right?... :-|
I think thats why I "enjoyed" that scene. Michonne is one of my favorite characters in the comic and I was heartbroken when she was raped. But you knew she was gonna get payback somehow and she didn't disappoint.
I vote still read the comic. Its gory but far better than this watered down, poorly written crap they call a show.
Do you REALLY wanna know? I figure everything has changed so much it wouldn't matter but it would also require a little backstory.
I hate the show exactly for this reason. I understand why they would change it but jeez. I feel like they can't even call it The Walking Dead anymore. Just some rando show with zombies.
I probably work in a lower stakes environment than you but if some one offed themselves at my job, you can bet your ass we would be closed for a few days or until the rest of the week. Have you ever seen anyone killed/kill themselves right in front of you? Its a lot different than granny passing away.
This place has hella trolls now. I'm an online gamer so I'm used to it. :/
I have tried to watch it with her and I just don't get it. Maybe I just don't know anything about the world anymore.
Sadly, my mom LOVES this show. I think its pretty terribad.
Its the fact that its short, dyed, and that shes 12 or 13 or whatever. Its more about people feeling like the Smiths are "letting" their children run wild than it is about the hair though, it seems the hair thing strikes a particular chord with us black women. I think Willow looks awesome and the dye/hair combo is…
Well done, troll. Well done.