Touche but Halle Berry will never be Storm in my eyes :/
Touche but Halle Berry will never be Storm in my eyes :/
Its a rap song.
Its a rap song.
Thats why I like her!
Agreed! My friends are wannabe ballers so they get bottle service all the time. Its great and you end up with more drunken-facebook-picture-taking madness.
I'm gonna have to lean toward deny on this one. I've been a wage slave most of my adult life and always had to work on black Friday. I see a lot of people saying they jack up the pricing so the sales on BF seem better. This is not true all of the time. In Toys R Us' case, BF is the best day to shop if you want a good…
The customers are making the decision to go at 8pm because thats when they are opening the doors. These people would be just fine going in at 6am friday. The higher-ups are greedy and they know people will show up. The employees AND the consumer are being jerked around in this case.
I worked at Toys R Us for three years and their black Friday sucks bawls for sure. I was told walmart started the 8pm thing and TRU just wanted to get in on the action because they have no soul and/or hate* their employees.
Yes! Fuck that!
I would like to add that I believe kids in ghetto schools were taught to fight back/stand up for themselves rather than just ignore the bullies. If someone put their hands on me, we fought. If I fought someone, there was a very small chance that they would want to bother me again.
I don't wanna say this is a white thing but I went to some pretty ghetto schools and this kind of shit would not fucking fly. There were a few kids that committed suicide but bullying wasn't factor. Bullying probably wasn't a thing around where I grew up just because it wouldn't be smart to fuck around and piss off…
We had a spaghetti strap rule too and dammit that shit pissed me off. One teacher even tried to make a "No torn jeans" rule but that lasted for about a day. I felt dudes got a lot of leeway with their stupid, saggy pants. I love that today's youth is embracing skinny jeans.
Yeah I end up not having to buy make-up often. This affords me to buy the pricier stuff. Eye make-up alone does wonders! I also bought this crazy makeup palette from sephora recently so I'm set for at least a year. I end up spending more on hair products but its a small price to pay for awesome moisturized curls. :)
Enjoying make-up doesn't make you less of a feminist.
I grew up as a tomboy so I got into the make-up game super late. At first I was against make-up for the reason you mentioned but after awhile, I realized that its not always about that. I don't need make-up to make me feel beautiful. I AM beautiful. Full stop. Sometimes though, I like to wear make-up because it…
Boo-ya! My fiance doesn't like taco bell but I think a gift card or a few to our favorite munchy destinations is an awesome idea since he has everything else. My family is always stumped on what to get him so this is perfect!
I'm not talking about college. I'm talking about public and sometimes private schools.
... No shit dude. Its not a secret. Funny how whitesplainers say this in an effort to blow people's minds as if its a little known fact. Also, you don't speak for natives.
WRONG again and again.