"In case of USA its very simple actually, most of non whites are only first and rarely second generation, Europeans lived there for how many centuries?"
"In case of USA its very simple actually, most of non whites are only first and rarely second generation, Europeans lived there for how many centuries?"
They never wanna hear that shit though. "Everyone else did it so whyyyyy does the whiiiiiiite man get all the blaaaaame?!"
My ancestors were slaves so no.
Yeah you aren't missing much. I gave it a shot but its mostly whiners who either didn't read the article or lightly skimmed through it to give their anecdotal evidence of why everyone is wrong.
Did it occur to you that some of these non-whites you speak of aren't getting the qualifications they need because they aren't on equal footing? Is there an influx of white dudes with BAs not getting hired because the company thought it would be better to hire a black/brown high school drop out so they wouldn't seem…
Jez really has a way of bringing out the butthurt.
It would be fine if we didn't feed the trolls but I think most commenters want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I like how everyone can be heard even if some of them are dildos.
plus lets not forget this. Granted, Bill O is a dickhead but there are people who share this view (you). May I ask, whats so bad about the white establishment not having the power it used to? Aside from possibly giving everyone equal footing?
No, I don't think you get it. I don't live in Europe so I cant say anything about their race dynamics. However, I live in america and deal with this shit often. You're trying to put this on a global scale when we are only talking about one place. The one place that talks about diversity.
Asia, Africa, and the middle east don't go around talking about how they are a nation of immigrants and bastion of diversity and all that. America does. Its time we act like it.
I'm gonna go with both!
I totally agree. I had a friend on facebook once say "a person shouldn't wake up to what I had to wake up to today." She had recently purchased a kitten so everyone thought it was cat poop or hairball or some such. Turned out her step-mother passed away :/. I don't like to put all my business on facebook but if…
Whoa! She mad!
haha Shredder was just the scary goon in charge. That fits Ryan perfectly.
Hi, I'm a barista and get paid about 9$ an hour. I help pay for this too but you know what? I'm ok with it. I'm happy my taxes go to making sure people can eat and can feed their children and help keep a roof over their heads. You might be the selfish, thoughtless, egocentric, self centered, narcissistic, solipsistic…
No kidding! But its Erin so I'll let it slide. ;)
I live in LA (south bay) and you couldn't pay me to move to NYC. Lovely place to visit though... eh scratch that, not really.
I don't even have an assistant! waaaah!