I might have conceded that some of Louis’ jokes can be harsh to the ears of the hyper-sensitive, but then you made this statement:
I might have conceded that some of Louis’ jokes can be harsh to the ears of the hyper-sensitive, but then you made this statement:
I don’t hate her. I think it’s possible that these two had strong feelings for each other, even despite the age difference. Her conviction was based on the premise that Vili was too young to understand what he was consenting to when he consented to have sex with Mary Kay. But now that he’s an adult and can legally…
There is not one single thing about Louis CK that I don’t adore.
And in all other games, as well. Except perhaps, the slow jam game.
Oh good. The monster parents of these kids are teaching their spawn how to get along in the world: push, shove and spew a stream of expletives until you get what you want.
There's a quote from the documentary that really stuck me: a former Scientologist says something like, "They don't tell you about Xenu when you first become a member. You have to earn that. So you think you're just there to learn about yourself and how to live a happier, more fulfilling life by changing the way you…
Hooray! There goes my day!
I've just died from the cute. Baby leopard claims his first victim.
And where'd they learn all that sexual assault? Word across several campuses is that SAE stands for "sexual assault expected."
Pot smoking doesn't impair people's driving ability. At least not in my experience. I'm a terrible driver sober. Just the worst. I have trouble concentrating on the task at hand and get bored easily just looking at the road. Stoned, I'm much more apt to focus and think about how my driving affects other drivers.…
Oy. That's how old I am. I couldn't even remember that Anna Nicole was Guess.
Well, now I feel like an older because I was gonna say that none of these hold a candle to 1980's Anna Nicole.
She's not even wearing jeans! Am I missing something here? Does RBF sell jeans?
Why are there no photos of the Foxy Lady included with this article? I already know what Jimi Hendrix looked like!
That hadn't even occurred to me. Bad. Ass.
I was only halfway onboard until the brother with the deep voice chimed in at the end, "Bitch, bitch, bitch better have my money." Now I'm full-assed onboard. Go, Ri!
I only relatively recently discovered how brilliant John Mulaney is. I must listen to "New In Town" at least 3 times per week. That whole bit/album is genuinely hilarious.
This seems premature. I've not seen Pedrad do any memorable characters on SNL or even really be featured in a sketch. I wonder why she was singled out to get her own show, instead of one of the other, longer-term cast members.
Is this 1990 fashion Rihanna? Between the thick brows and the motorcycle jacket, I feel like I'm 21 again, in my car blasting Depeche Mode on the way to The Vortex in Palo Alto.
my WHOLE FRELAING WALL is covered in fetus/present one direction photos