
There should only be three choices for this jury...

People like Miller were born on third base, but they act like they hit a triple.

A lot of people lied to get past the capricious and racist clerks at Ellis Island. My college roommate’s surname was that of the German guy ahead his great grandfather in the immigration line. After watching several people get refused, granpappy saw Mr. Schultz get let through. So he became a Schultz, too.

Whenever some old person says, “my grandparents came here legally”

I really hope that Miller is NOT one of the ones who will slither away and seek refuge in Brazil.

Yeah, my dad is a “build the wall” type. His maternal grandparents came here from a part of Greece which is now Turkey, fleeing a massive genocide that occurred just before WWI. His paternal grandfather was from Lebanon and grandmother came up THROUGH MEXICO. It doesn’t matter how many times we review these details

Whenever some old person says, “my grandparents came here legally” I ask them if we can go back to the same exact laws for gaining citizenship as their grandparents had. They don’t seem to like that for some reason.

My father in law proudly displays his grandfather’s citizenship certificate. My father in law wants to “build that wall.” Anyhow, his grandfather came here from Austria in 1905. No, wait. He actually came from Italy as the part of Yugoslavia he was from was part of Italy. There were quotas so he lied to not get turned

I would welcome 1,000 Josephs from anywhere in the world over 1 worthless shitstain like Stephen Miller.

I’ll still back Democrats everyday over republicans but they need to stop trying to kill their own left wing. 

Honestly this is almost beautiful in its’ blatant insanity. So pure. I read a lot of cosmic horror growing up but this creeps me out on a whole ‘nother level.

Summary execution for this treasonous sack of shit.

And using an idiotic, meaningless analytical foundation like “If economic growth continues at this pace ...” would get a failing grade.

Bad spelling and grammar have zero impact on his base.

This error is something that would have got me fired from my college newspaper. 

relative spike in buying for last quarter ... and the why is because a helluva lot of companies & countries bought before tariffs hit.  So betcha sweet asses next two quarters are gonna tank link a Rosanne tweet.  And next 2 quarters will somehow be Obama’s fault, amirite?

In a vacuum: Someone made a typo, big deal, everyone’s human. Besides, this pales in comparison to everything else going on.

The boat doesn’t deserve a good name. Name it Blackwater in honor of her brother.

That boat wasn’t set adrift; it was fleeing.

Can we re-name the boat Boaty McTreasonFace?