
This flag is a traitor’s flag, period. It represents racism, hate, and white supremacy. I despise that flag, and will burn it, if given a chance.

Another vile cretin who has been embolden by the hate coming from the White House, enabled by the entire GOP. REGISTER TO VOTE! Vote them all out!

Fuc the bitch

Dana Rohrabacher is not a 16-year incumbent, he’s a 16 TERM incumbent! I have been voting against him for over 25 years, and hopefully this is the year he is OUSTED! 

Every damn day I’m more disgusted. Screw the stupid frigging lowlifes.

What the hell is wrong with people? I swear, it’s like we’re traveling back in time, and all of the lessons I thought we learned, have been wiped from our collective conscientiousness . I blame the orange messiah in the White House, because he has emboldened these ignorant cretins to revert back to their primordial

It’s so disappointing and even depressing to see these racist cretins crawl out from under their rocks. They are emboldened by their mango messiah in the White House, who needs to be in an orange jumpsuit forthwith. It just makes me sick how far we’ve fallen in 18 months with these pieces of human excrement (Trump &

Seems to be the $3,000,000 for security, could be better spent by the VA, like in hiring doctors and nurses, since they are so shorthanded. I know, because I go to the VA for medical treatment, and it’s depressing that they are short of doctors and nurses. Stop wasting money on security for Confederate cemeteries.

These racist slimeballs have been crawling out from under their rocks since the orange messiah was elected. Trump emboldens them. And the young people who have also been empowered by the turd, Trump, need to stopped dead in their tracks, otherwise we’ll have another whole generation, just like the bigoted old white

Screw AXIOS. I used to subscribe, but got tired of seeing bull crap everyday.

Why would they force an immigrant women to have a baby? Because it’s always about controlling women’s sexuality. They’re pro-fetus, pro-forced birth, but screw the child once it’s born.

This is utter Bull crap!

Just pop him already Mueller! 

Get rid of this trash. Norm is a RWNJ and a cancer.

How many of us would be on PAID Administrative leave if we went into the wrong apartment and killed someone? I guarantee you 99% of the people would be rotting in jail awaiting trial.

It’s time we stop judging the health of the economy, by how well the rich are doing.

I got T-Boned by a big old buick while I was driving my first car, a

We need to stop judging the economy on how well the rich are doing!

If they were black, and it was in the United States, they’d both be DEAD.