Heidi Hole

It is possible that being compared to an Asian man offended him the most. East Asian men are considered to be the least attractive men by many, if not most Americans. I have overheard two guys whine “I don’t like how people think that I am half Asian.” I am half white and half Chinese, and both times yeah, I thought

The problem is the subtext of the statement “the actor was supposed to resemble Cavill or Crowe” is “the actor should be white”. And there was no consideration of “can an actor have not white skin, AND still look like Crowe/Cavill?” Because the answer to that question is yes.

I disagree. I have long thought that some faction of BLM (or other activists) and the media should have focused on painting police murder as a violation of our Constitutional right to life. All articles and protest signs should say: Americans do not authorize nor pay police to murder citizens suspected of crime where

Exactly. She’s farming his distress for clicks. 

The fact that this motherfucker looked at the camera back then, and has been running his mouth this whole time left me speechless. 

50 cases a day in our state or 500 cases a day nationwide, that’s the line for me not wearing mask in public.

Republican men are gonna feel like real man when a male nurse such as myself is sticking a catheter up their urethra. Then wipe down every inch of them every day.

This is an interesting French dialect you speak. 

So her name is actually pronounced CLOACA-rdashian?

Famous for reasons that no one living can remember

Only 41 million are fully vaccinated. 83.1 estimated cases of Covid. There is most likely some overlap there, as well, thereby reducing the number of fully vaccinated. Additionally, the vaccine isn’t fully effective until two weeks after the second dose for two of the vaccines or after one does of the J&J vaccine,

It means it’s Joan.

I totally glossed over the snark and now that you pointed it out, I’m like, hey what now? I like Yashar Ali so what does this mean??

The unthinkable has happened: Yashar Ali has actually broken some news

You could have stopped at “abandoned her dog in a field because it was annoying”, anyone that does that has serious psychological issues and needs to seek professional therapy and likely medication. That’s such a far cry from can’t handle a pet and surrendering to a shelter which is almost as shitty, but I wouldn’t

So what did this writer get caught doing?

that she transcended her denomination and her books can be found in the home of any good Christian reader

I didn’t think the leopards would eat MY face!”

Exactly. To me it reads as two trashy hateful people that decided to date each other because they’re both trashy and hateful.

good comment, but the last sentence got “mambo no. 5" stuck in my head...