Heidi Hole

If Emme seemed unphased, perhaps she should slow down and do this gradually, rather than all at once.

This is a good point. I wonder if the "wives and daughters" crowd changes things. The pessimist in me thinks the only reason they'd care is because they see female family members as extensions of themselves. 

Cops are the biggest fucking snowflakes in the world. This is just like all those cops who claimed to OD on fentanyl from touching some - which is impossible, and it was all the placebo effect. Fucking babies. 

He chose a shitty and sexist way to pitch the bill, but women do bear a lot of the brunt of our poor transportation system. There are more licensed women than men, and according to the National Household Travel Survey, women aged 18+ make more person trips than men.

I don’t get the strong sense entitlement, the greed, the blatant selfishness, the controlling attitudes.

You’re gonna need a bigger bucket.

I’m gonna put all these folks giving Billie a pass in the same bucket that I put all the comments suggesting that “In the Heights” wasn’t colorist Afro-Latin erasure wrapped in a good story last week.

Mr. Bieber’s outfit is largely fine

That is the sort of mistake I usually catch before posting (and especially egregious as Mayor Fouts figures prominently in Howlett v. Warren, Mich.); I will do my best to refund the undeserved stars.

So you think a 16 year-old that was publicly told to kill herself on Twitter is the one at fault here.  Gross.

“Seems like there are a lot of perfect people commenting here...” is exactly what an adolescent with not a shred of self-awareness would mutter as they climbed atop their high horse.

Plenty of terrible shit has a million likes on Instagram. It’s not a metric for anything.

This is true, and it’s clear she was absolutely looking for attention and trying to be an edgelord because she thinks that makes her interesting and relatable. But in the case of Courtney it doesn’t hold up. She didn’t just tweet at them publicly. Chrissy DM’d them privately, multiple times. And she keeps glossing

So Chrissy now admits it was only a public apology, after she lied by saying she privately apologized, which Stodden proved by showing they were still blocked by Chrissy. She's so full of shit. If she were actually sorry, she'd unblock Stodden. I wonder if she's reached out to Quvenzhene Wallis, who was only 8 or 9

I did go and read the piece and the comments that are posted to it. I find it interesting the number of people who are minimizing the types of comments that Tiegen made. She was not just making fun of Stodden and Lohan, she was encouraging self-harm and suicide, and she was an adult in her mid twenties when this

So you’re fine giving your kid a negative label, but you bristle at having one applied to you? You might want to think about that one a bit.

He did. They do have computer in the car and he probably already ran her plate so he knew who was in the car.

I don’t think you know what that word means.  

Back at you, most interactions with the police aren’t filmed. If the ones that are filmed are this bad, what about the ones nobody sees?

I actually don’t think this is really about Ellie Kemper for most folks. Like, unless you’re a huge fan of Kimmie Schmidt (which I’d argue was Titus’ show in the long run) or the Office, she’s a non-entity. I’m not interested in her involvement at all.