Heidi Hole

Limited sympathy here, actually. If you can’t see yourself on Zoom, you’ve probably minimized your Zoom window and navigated to some other website. This man has an enviable job and couldn’t remain focused and professional for the duration of a Zoom meeting? Maybe it’s just because I’m a fucking teacher and have to be

Why are his wife and family the first people he apologized to unless he was doing something questionable believing no one could see him? I can see having a laptop set up in your bedroom and walking around changing clothes accidentally thinking the camera was off or something like that (even though it would still be

I want to see her make a big comeback. I was a fan since Head of the Class. 

Your mention of Megan Thee Stallion's inexcusable treatment post-shooting reminds me of how Givens was treated when she went public regarding her abuse.

There is one thing like qualified immunity,

A lot of people think that anti-Asian racism either doesn’t exist, doesn’t matter, or they will get away with it.

I just had an employee come to me with this issue - not that he was under worked, but that the work he did was monotonous, he was losing focus, and he needed new stimulation. He also came with an idea to re-vamp his job, including streamlining some of the boring stuff and picking up essential work that he saw was

Except for the reality dancing competition show, it sounds like James Van der Beek has had a uniquely shitty year. I’m sorry, dude, you do you.

I’m surprised there was no comment on Cardi B’s use of the r-word. Shouldn’t folks routinely get called out for that now?

Let him finish!!! “Eddie Van Halen: meh favorite guitar player.”

He raped over a dozen women. So get out of here with cancel culture bs.

I pretty much disagree, and I say that as someone who lives in a household where there are guns (my husband enjoys target shooting as a hobby, so he has several guns, all of which are stored unloaded, safetys on, in a locked safe, which is also in a room the children are not allowed to be in without an adult present).

Its also all I can think about when watching the show. I’m not saying the show is not any good, or not funny, or even that people should boycott the show. The show is long over, and people should do as they please. I’m just saying I cannot watch it without thinking of Cosby’s sexual assault convictions, or his

As an Irish woman who has only ever seen guns in a museum, outside the US embassy in London or in Vancouver airport, that is a very depressing post.

Honestly, Rashaad contributed to ruining the Cosby legacy with her initial comments. Maybe just don’t say anything when it doesn’t involve you? She could’ve even commented that despite anything else that’s going on, it’s very important to remember the show’s (not Bill Cosby’s) place in history.

¿Por què no los dos?

“Sit down next to me and take your talking to”?

The “cancel” bit was the dumb part to me. Who the hell is trying to cancel John Wayne today? He always sucked.

SNL really missed an opportunity to have Jeff Goldblum dressed up like Brundlefly land on Pence’s head.

One time I was super high walking past a park at night and there was a rock garden with a big tan rock in the middle and it startled the shit outta me when I saw it because I thought it was a dead deer