I’m glad he’s being held accountable, and I hope he’s punished...
I’m glad he’s being held accountable, and I hope he’s punished...
Chris Brown was charged with felony assault and making criminal threats, was sentenced to five years probation, one year of domestic violence counseling, six months community service, and retained a five-year restraining order.
...And while they’re holding up this decent working man from his day, Karen, Becky, Chad and Todd are busy cleaning out Versace and all the other BH Stores. No profiling here. No siree!
Hello- I’m posting this specifically to any other White people who are reading. I seriously doubt that there is anything in my post that Black people don’t already know, but this is such an egregious, appalling, petit-evil scenario that MAYBE it can serve as an example for White people who will recognize and listen:
White lady here, have been stopped (and ticketed) for jaywalking. Was not instructed to keep my hands behind my back, and even gave the cop a little static about why on earth he would need to see my driver’s license for such a thing. Was not asked if I had weapons or drugs or any of that shit. My response when Black…
Simple request. Search for and release all the body camera footage that shows this cop frisking down a white man who was jaywalking...
I watched the bodycam video, and it feels too excessive for a jaywalker. And the tone of the officers is condescending in the way they were trying to play it as something that is normal to do for all jaywalkers.
.... just, like, this is fucking bullshit. If you’re a cop and you see someone jaywalking you could literally just say, “Excuse me, sir, but please don’t jaywalk. It’s technically illegal and you could be fined” and that’s fucking it. Pat down? On the street in broad daylight? Fucking performance art for rich white…
“Jaywalking” is practically a sport in LA. When pedestrians cross the street in a crosswalk or not, no matter if the light is red or green, traffic must stop for them. Its done in front of cops because its generally not a big thing. However, in BH, anything you do while Black could be construed as a crime. Yep, got…
Honestly why are you guys talking about this when antifa muslim radicals are indoctrinating our children to be transgender lesbian abortionists?!
I’ve got one I call “Old Gray Thing” that I always forget to post. It was a paranormal encounter but I’m still not sure what exactly it was, and I’ve always been curious if anyone else has seen one too. I’m doxxing myself if anyone I know reads this, but here goes nothing...
That’s ... not how COVID works. It’s also not how you get to your local polling station, and if you show up all wet with COVID infested sea water (which, again, is not a thing), that’s just disrespectful to the school/church/town hall where voting is being held, not to mention other voters and poll workers.
I don’t think Kushner can contract covid; I think robots are unaffected.
Also, the media has been pointing out that he’s obese every 15 minutes for the past 72 hours. There’s no way Trump would consent to a plan that involved the media talking about how old and fat he was so often for days on end.
To all you conspiracy people who think Trump is playing 3d chess and pretending to have Covid to garner sympathy, I say thee nay.
Yeah she seems like a closet Republican, and that idiotic mask just seals the deal.
Let’s all say it now together:
The color has no depth to it. Matte black does her no favors. Plus, she’s a creepy Scientologist with minimal talent who can fuck right off.
Commentors over on redstate.com are losing their minds... “how is it that only Republicans are coming down with the ‘China flu’, huh?”