Or Uncle Tom’s Cabin in high school...
Or Uncle Tom’s Cabin in high school...
That stuck out to me too! Like, he saw Roots when he was a kid and that just stuck. Is New Hampshire really that fucking isolated??
“Fellow Democrats”.
They do NOT care about us. How many times must they show and prove? They WILL NOT care about us, even when the cameras are there to show it or even when laws and rules explicitly stipulate they must pretend to in order to keep their job.
“So those bad decisions have consequences.”
Chile, you have wandered into the wrong neighborhood if you think your finger-wagging is going to shame folks here.
prosecute those dudes, please.
Yes, both Bidens are negative for COVID. Hope it stays that way.
oh, fuck you.
Joe *has* to be the adult in the room. We don’t. We get to say all the things everyone is thinking. Karma’s a bitch, and so are we.
^ That’s some gaslighting bullshit right there ^
But also, maybe people will finally take this epidemic seriously. If Donald Trump has to get sick and die for his supporters to start wearing their fucking masks when in public, it’s a sacrifice worth making.
I’m so sorry. I love my doctors. They’re both black women and they understand the real needs of women of color. They’ve never tried to minimize my pain and taken my needs very seriously (unlike the bitch in the operating recovery room who didn’t believe I needed percocet after a D&C).
Cold comfort, but I've had a lot of shitty interactions will male doctors going back to my pediatrician. I don't trust them and only want pro-choice women doctors.
She lost her makeup collaboration, her youtube fame. Everything, and she didn’t want to go to college in the first place. I don’t feel bad for her, but I don’t demonize her either.
My goodness, she’s just so pretty!
Fuckin’ Marky Mark racist ass. I hope Williams dumped that agency.
For the reshoots of All the Money in the World, Michelle Williams got $80 per day and Mark, I beat up an old Asian Man because I felt like it, Wahlberg got $1.5 million. They were both represented by the same talent agency at the time.
What, you expect a white child with an assault rifle to be stopped.
Can we not report anything on Candace Owens unless its her announcement to get White Woman Reassignment Surgery. I hope she gets whatever disease Robert Ebert had. She is fucking useless.