Heidi Hole

I don’t understand how you have a BA in international relations and yet still manage to post something this tone deaf? Surely there must be a class that teaches people how to discuss cultural differences without coming across as some sort of western savior? Perhaps my idea of international relations and what a degree

But that’s my point - you can’t just read this story of a girl who comes into her own, and completely ignore the context, her nationality, and the nationality of the guy she had an affair with. In the world we live in and where we keep demanding for feminism to be inter-sectional, context is EVERYTHING. People who

The story itself is about her experience with this brown dude in a foreign land. She was a Cali co-ed. The story is still the same typical story as she presented it. Doesn’t matter if she’s black, white or Asian. The trope of his culture’s stifling otherness against the shock of her feminist awakening is the same old

I know it’s not the same but it still made me hungry.

I am sorry, but I rolled my eyes so hard that they may have popped out of my head and are probably spiraling in a mad circle somewhere five feet east of me. The stunning insensitivity towards a foreign culture, the youthful arrogance with which a personal experience is projected to symbolize that of an entire nation

Uff, this is such a terribly condescending article. As an Indian urban woman from a city, I find her tone patronising to say the least. I have no desire to defend the deep patriarchal mindset that most Indian men, and several women, in my country swear by - but c’mon, this is ridiculous. She goes to a semi-urban part

“Gramma! Gramma!” That kid’s voice was the worst.

The best kind of host is a host with serving experience! I can’t even tell you, the day a host turned 19 and was old enough to start serving, they became better hosts in less than a week.


Tiny baby head!! And hands! 😍

Thank you for this article, really informative. One thing that stands out to me is the note that there was a revolt quashed nearly 193 years prior to the day—I can’t help but wonder if Roof knew that and chose yesterday on purpose :/

Even on MSNBC many people are dropping “mentally deranged” language into the analysis... And as someone who has dealt with my share of mental illness, I get uncomfortable with these conversations, especially since there is a hugely racialized bent to the description when it’s a Troubled White Kid™... But in this case


women are legit not allowed to do anything w their own bodies except be fucking brood mares.

But it doesn’t mean that you have to wrap yourself in glad wrap.”

“Here’s the thing. I’m a white person from the South. There are plenty of aspects of Southern culture that I am actually pretty proud of: the food, the hospitality, the (albeit superficial) kindness toward strangers and guests in your home”

Fuck the Confederate flag. Out on a bike ride in WASHINGTON and I saw one flying on the side of a house.

On a personal note, as a brown woman I’m irl more afraid of white boys that age than gang people of all colours.

So glad they caught the fucker alive. I want to hear why and most importantly I want the “lone wolf”/ “lone gunman”/ “mentally ill” crowd to go to the nearest sky scraper, hold hands and jump off.