Heidi Hole

Glad to hear I am not the only person who stupidly tried to do this and then experienced pain almost immediately. People- do not attempt this unless you like shoulder pain. I broke and dislocated my shoulder years ago. Not this shoulder. Other shoulder. I should know better. At least that time I was having fun.

Dunno about around the back, but I can touch my belly button from the front. Boop. #notaclone #probablyamammal

Another litmus test on who to delete from various social media.

What is it with white Southern people and black folks in pools?!?!?!

I think some of it is traveling but some of it is also maturity. When you’re in your 20’s you’re going to try out other styles. I’ve known people who traveled a lot in their late 30’s or early 40’s and I don’t think it’s changed their style upon return, because they were already set and six months without makeup

what the actual fuck. i had to stop watching that video, and i seriously have an iron stomach/easily bleachable brain. those poor kids. those fucking animal cops. THAT FUCKING PASTY-ASS WHITE DUDE WHO WAS RAMMING THAT POOR BOY INTO THE BARS BY HIS NECK WHO THE FUCK IS HE AND WHY IS HE NOT IN JAIL FOR ASSAULT JAYSUS

I’ve also been told in the past by friends of friends that I’m the real racist for pointing out racism. Those friends of friends “don’t see race”. So. Much. Rage.

I keep thinking about how hot that police car must be against her bare skin. Black childhood is short and very different.

Oh man, I just love arguments that boil down to “Men do stupid shit because they are fucking idiots”. But let’s definitely make sure they’re always in power.

It was the 90s. Wasn't as much recourse back then. ;)

When I was really little, I was the flowergirl in one of my aunts’ weddings, and I caught the bouquet. I ended up dancing with a friend of my uncle’s who was probably in his mid-20s, but he was a good sport about it. I stood on his shoes and he spun me around, and I had a blast.

The garter shit is tacky and a weird tradition “Here, have an intimate piece of my new wife’s lingerie! Who wants it?? Whoooo wants it?” Because in my country men fight to catch the garter. And then the guy that gets the garter dances with the girl who gets the bouquet. Gross and embarrassing.

At our local high school, there is a “no tank tops” rule. Girls get sent out of class for wearing tank/sleeveless tops of any kind. Boys never get removed from class for wearing a tank top. There is a double standard at play here—even the boys at the HS agree.

You said: though I didn’t see anything in this story that indicated boys are allowed to show their stomachs, chests and armpits at school where girls are not.

well, given that they’re wearing muscle shirts that show their stomach, armpits, and chests, it may not be spaghetti straps and short shorts, but it’s certainly equivalent.


The standing up straight thing is very real. My boobs are huge, and if I stand up straight, it looks like I’m thrusting them out. After being accused of showing off one too many times, it’s easier to slouch.


I see nothing wrong with this. Married people don't have to live together.

No Americans were involved in the making of this mess??