Heidi Hole

So remember everyone: don’t fixate on your weight, then you’ll earn less. Oh, but don’t be fat either, you’ll also earn less. Most importantly, remember this is all on you and not on our fucked up society that values women’s appearance above all her other qualities.

I don’t think it’s aspirational enough or something. Like, can’t sell the fat people clothes that will fit them. That’ll be a bad message for our brand.

A couple of people (I’m assuming white, but it’s the internet and they didn’t specify) told me today that they just don’t find black people attractive. Actually, they said African Americans, so like...they’re being really pc about not finding an entire race attractive. BUT NOT BECAUSE THEY’RE RACIST, GUYS. Just, you

You know, I take serious issue with the fact we are calling this idiotic. The jokes he wrote weren’t funny, and they were definitely antisemitic and weirdly misogynistic for literally no reason. It didn’t even improve the stupid, shitty jokes. Had he been, say, a Republican staffer who was making inappropriate

Is it just me or was Jezebel really quiet on this issue until it settled down enough to where they felt confident they could get away with defending him?

What is with people refusing to drink tap water? I get my water from a wellspring, and a few people have refused to drink it because there are little oxygen bubbles when it first comes out, which must mean it's "dirty". I just roll my eyes at them. The bottled water I keep is in case of power outages, not to sate

Shit’s nice! You can buy soooo much. 44 inch TVs. Jordans. Cadillacs WITH the rims, what ever you want. And all on taxpayers money. There is a catch, you have to be Black because only Black people are ever on food stamps.

This makes me hurt for you.

I’m a very good baker. I’ve managed two different bakeries, even. I’m in a STEM field now and I very, very rarely tell people about my skills, it’s too much of a trap.

My first real job out of college was as a news assistant at a local newspaper. Part of that job was laying out the sports stats page — a job I discovered I was really damn good at. So when a page designer/copy editor position opened up, I threw my hat right in the ring. I was passed over for the job, which I could

This is a bill that in ordinary times would not be controversial

Thankfully this was *before* I got ready, but it was humiliating. I was a ball of nerves on my wedding day (aren't we all?) and had only coffee in my system during my hair appointment. One of my bridesmaids drove with me to my parents' house where I was getting ready, and I let one slip. Only it wasn't just a cute

Warms my heart to see so many jez readers support eugenics. It's almost as if (white) feminists have a long history of supporting such policies.

Yeah, but a lot of times guys will say they're into eating pussy, then find reasons not to, or to do it really badly and refuse to take direction, then still expect a cookie for their time. I mean, if a woman blowing a guy started biting at him and refused to stop, you wouldn't hear people telling the guy that he

Is there any way you can not make it about yourself, as a white person?

Oh wow - you googled this guy, saw that he was fat, and then just ASSUMED that it was part of this post - that is hilarious!

Hey, I teach classes on race and I have NEVER said the "n word" in class. I only use the word "negro" when I tell them each semester to stop using the word "negro" and "colored" in papers and exams (Yes, I have to do this every semester because it happened every semester) and if I am reading a quote from someone like

Thanks for your patience. My default in most situations, even when race isn't involved, is to want to know every detail of the situation/background, and to give people some benefit of the doubt (well... often only a little bit of that benefit, depending on the level of stupidity). It helps me get through the day, but

"Openly" implies that they were just throwing it around in casual conversation and even if it was in the context of a class that's not an excuse. There are ways to show how racists act without resorting to using their language.