He Hate Cans

Can they then work together to make complete genetalia shadow puppets?

What about Arya wearing Jaime's face? Best of both worlds.

This is the best argument I've heard. I cede the point 100%

Jon Snow invented oral sex a few seasons ago and we know that word travels fast in Westeros.

This should be what you get when you click the "How to date Nathalie Emmanuel" link

At least Davos is someone other than Littlefinger whispering in her ear. Maybe he can convince her to do something about that chain necklace. Maester-chic is so 5 years ago.

corpse dick on the autopsy table last week. That may count as -1 dicks though.

Leave Davos with Sansa so she has good council. Take Brienne with you to Dragonstone so you have a warrior.

Tonight's Game of Thrones - endless discussions about nerdy things, dramatic power plays, and oral sex.

The guys who are bitching about this clearly haven't considered the potential of bringing River Song back for some sweet marital Time Lord on quasi-Time Lord action.

Imagine being so afraid of change, that the star of a show you like being a lady for, what 3-4 years at most, makes you lose your fucking mind.

I know. There's actually lots of ways to have a Civil War not based on borders. Hell maybe most Civil Wars aren't border based. I was just attempting to suggest that one may be inevitable with an unsuccessful rhetorical flourish. But I'm leaving it up because the internet is about failure.

Q: How do you have a Civil War that's not defined by borders?

People love the version of him that they perceive. That version is "inherently lovable" as a rule so it's pretty hard to poke a hole in that if it's a defining characteristic of the facade.

Here's my non-economist answer. So say Wal-Mart raises prices on everything to make up fro having to pay everyone $15. They can only raise prices so high before it's off putting to consumers. I don't know what that level is. Maybe it's enough to comp for the minimum wage raises, maybe it's not. If it's not, then they

If her characters in The Help and Zero Dark Thirty don't demonstrate range, then I don't think range is a thing that really exists.

Especially because everyone predicted the city would burn itself to the ground in a riot to end all riots. Then everyone mostly kept their cool.

The Cleveland museum scene is quality, except for the Rock Hall and the Christmas Story House, which get all of the attention.

I went shortly after it opened. Never needed to go back. People in Cleveland don't really go there. It's for tourists.

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