He Hate Cans

I think I'd say, "that's great, cause I want to fuck one of your friends too!'

It's actually kind of offensive to people in poly relationships, that she's using them as cover by essentially saying "I'm poly now and you have to respect that!"

I mean, the snowflakes who got triggered were the sponsors who pulled their ad money. I bet O'Reilly's fanbase continues to love capitalism, despite still not understanding how it works.

I wouldn't accuse him of being hateful, while the rest of the right is spewing outright racism, homophobia and sexism, he's trying to do the whole, "I'm above the fray, making reasonable points" thing.

I mean, we can have a reasonable debate over whether a quality piece of art, that is undeniably progressive, could or should be labelled as "feminist", right? I mean, reasonable people can disagree, without retreating to political bubbles and demonizing each other right?

See, I think it comes down to the difference between a "proposal" and a 'prom-posal."

Because if he is that popular, (and if he has the means to put that video together, no doubt pretty rich) he's probably used to getting whatever he wants and isn't remotely aware of what's a reasonable use of his time and effort.

But that's the thing, they know how to eliminate stuff. That's easy. They don't know how to replace it with new functional policy.

I dunno, if Hillary had gotten a handful more votes in a handful of states we'd be talking about the permanent presidency of the most dominant party in the country. Instead we're talking about the biggest disaster of a party in generations.

I don't disagree. But he was bland. He lacked charisma and the Dems thought they could make up for it based on how many among their numbers really disliked Bush.

I remember having this discussion when Bush defeated Kerry for the 2nd time, even though Dems seemed to be at peak anti-Bush.

Exactly. You don't need a commemorative card. You have a fucking Oscar.

It's also so disingenuous to still be saying "give him a chance" like he's brand new to the public eye, as if it hasn't been a 3 week clustercuss as president, preceded by a 12 month campaign of white nationalism and incompetence preceded by 30 years in the public eye as a world-class asshole.

Anyone who says otherwise is wrong and sad. Don't trust Vittorio Storaro and his FAKE cinematography

If Dennis had given Dee the money to buy him a coffee I suppose he'd have a better case. But he essentially gave it to her as a gift. He can suggest what she does with the remainder but she's not obliged to follow the suggestion.

Something like that. But the ones I miss most are on the Falcons.

As a Browns fan, I will do what I always do on Super Bowl Sunday. Root for the team to which more former, quality Browns players (whom I miss dearly) have gone.

Every time I hear someone talk about how Democrats should work with Trump and cooperate I think of when someone described this as:

I've always believed violence was wrong. Then again I've always believed WW2 was probably the only justifiable war of the 20th century.

Satisfied in another job well done, Ajax rises from his computer, pats his belly and looks out his window.