He Hate Cans

D&D: We've only got enough material for 7 episodes this season.

Or Bran since he's clearly 35 years old now

Uh, dude, I think I know what I'm talking about. My brother's friend Craig was totally in the army. Also I play plenty of Call of Duty

Also. Dragons aren't even real things. Why not just use tanks?

Jon: She has a good heart

Jon walks out of the cave. Davos comes up to him

I used to have three-ways constantly. Then I realized it was easier to only have to apologize to one disappointed woman at a time.

Technically it's supposed to.

Sorry, one more to build off that.

Franken/Stein debate gets monstrous ratings

"The undead are attacking!!"

If Cersei declares that all ladies in the 7 kingdoms must have short hair then perhaps I'm changing who I'm rooting for.

D&D: we've revamped Euron & you're really gonna hate him now

and vice/versa!

Well put. Of course I'll keep watching too, and even enjoying. But I've definitely recategorized the show in my mind from "Smart fantasy" to "Tits and dragons"

Yeah but she just came from Essos. You know what it's like when you travel and then get off the plane and are like, "damn, I should have packed a sweater." We've all been there.

She is. In the risk of getting all fan-fic, the show should have abandoned the Sand Snakes and featured Arianne instead of the other way around.

But by that point I may have actually finally weened myself off soda.

Has there ever been anyone who ever said they weren't "too concerned about potential backlash or confusion" who wasn't about to have the worst year of their professional life?