He Hate Cans

This does make me wonder why the DGA has such limited film categories (and overall film and first film seem like odd choices if your'e going to have just 2)

It's the thing you buy when you don't want to be a slave to Netflix's shitty and spotty availability problems, junior.

Me too. I'm sure the distributors in their infinite wisdom can explain to me why it's smart to open it in my medium sized American city (not exactly the boonies) a month after its likely Oscar Nomination is announced.

Off the top of my head,

I assume, like most of the anti-Hilary people on my facebook feed, he thinks that the US is a crypto-facist, capitalist, oligarchy to begin with and while Hillary would have maintained that, Trump will burn it to the ground, and the latter is preferable.

Greenwald has been a tool since his crusade against Zero Dark Thirty while openly admitting he never saw the film.

GWB? The president who made a point of stating that we should respect Muslim Americans, the president who didn't call people out on twitter, or tell his supporters to beat up protestors, or actively harass individual reporters, the president who never told us to check out someone's sex tape or brag about sexually

I get that, but I'm not sure I buy the "he's doing dumb minor stuff to distract us from the big bad stuff"

I'm of two minds about this. Part of me feels like it's unwise to laugh at your country sliding into authoritarianism.

Well I'm guessing the idea was the add a 3rd to the relationship and the kid's preschool teacher was as good a place to start as any. But then, the hope was that it would be a long term thing, not that they'd swap her out for each new teacher every year.

Suddenly less bad idea

It's the height of practicality. "Little Jimmy already likes Miss Henderson, it sure would be convenient to have her here to help raise him… and you know, we can screw her too"

We now know for sure that he's a Goldwater Republican.

There's nothing wrong with not being gaga for it, but that's unrelated to not understanding why it won a bunch of Globes. Unless you have no comprehension of how anyone could possess an opinion different than yours.

I get it. You don't possess the ability to disagree with someone while still respecting them as a person.

Counterpoint: Don't fuck em. Instead respect the fact that they've conducted themselves with dignity and maturity even if you disagree with them politically.

He gets the Secret Service Agents whether he has a party or not.

Yeah but only if you believe facts.

Well in all fairness to him, it's his job to govern and the committee chair's job to build the party. Then again if he called the committee chair and said "hey, do better!" that probably wouldn't have hurt.

I think it has to do with both. More directly it has to do with Hillary Clinton.