He Hate Cans

I'm trying to come to terms with the fact that I will never, ever, ever, ever understand it. I mean, I'll accept it, but I'll never understand that enough people saw the most inexperienced, ill-tempered person to ever run for the office, a human cartoon who ran the worst campaign in history and said "yup, that's for

One day a biography will be written titled "Barack Obama: The Last Adult in the Room"

Ha! Jokes on them. Nothing disqualifies your from becoming president anymore.

There is no shame in wanting to hit it and quit it.

Or even like a quick shot of Tom quietly weeping in the background while Zuckerberg and the Winklevoss twins argue over who had this brilliant idea first.

The most pro-holiday and anti-holiday film is John Huston's The Dead in which a pleasantly warm holiday gathering also acts as a meditation on the fragility of love and the inevitability of death.

That trailer looks really good and then they get to the fight scenes with the leaping, so much endless leaping in the Wolverine movies

We need to top talking as if appealing to white working class voters and pushing leftward are mutually exclusive. The Democratic party needs to embrace liberalism again and do a better job explaining to the working class why that's good for them.

Well now, to be honest, the left's socialist base isn't exactly super diverse. In fact the major anti-Bernie argument was that he didn't appeal enough to the diversity in the Democrats base to win the general. Hillary easily won the Hispanic and African American votes in the primaries.

Well, we're packing it in here. If anyone needs me I'll be hanging out in my pajamas catching up on movies and TV shows until the forthcoming nuclear winter. Civilization had a good run there for a couple thousand years but hey, nothing lasts forever.

I think it would be nice if all of us chipped in an bought a treadmill for the person whose wife is having wood sex with her running partner.

That's so close to being accurate. The only thing I'd change is, no way he spells "epithets" correctly.

The problem is, it's very tempting to hold on to any hope when there is no hope. I mean, if there was undeniable evidence that Trump colluded with Putin to steal the election and then strangled a dozen baby seals, he would face no consequences. Who would or could punish him?

As it turns out, modern conservatives don't stand for anything other than pissing off "liberal snowflakes" and whoever they perceive to be the "elitists" keeping them down.

A.V. Club

Goal for all of us for 2017 - when you part from someone you love, tell them you love them as if the bombs will hit before you see them again.

I saw that too, but not from a reliable source. Do we have a source on it? It may not even be intentionally malevolently false. Just… semi-accurate stuff spreads fast in situations like these.

All of us in 2020: "Hey, remember when we thought 2016 was some weird anomaly instead of the beginning of how things just are now?"

Sure but that's just because Democrats are holding up the new rules that will get everyone covered. If Republicans can just get a supermajority in 2018 they can get everyone covered again.

You're not thinking post-fact enough. If Trump can claim that attacks are Islamic terrorism with no evidence and if he can claim to have won in a landslide with no evidence, surely he can claim that repealing Obamacare has resulted in even more people getting insurance. Then CNN can have a panel "are there more