He Hate Cans

I think you pull that off by appealing to people emotionally while being wildly inconsistent in policy. Sure he said we're gonna repeal Obamacare, but he also said we're gonna keep the good stuff, and he said we're gonna make America great again, and taking away my healthcare sure wouldn't do that so…

It has been very beneficial to the pro-life movement to create the image of the promiscuous woman who goes out and has lots of partners and then swings by her local abortion emporium, turns in her "get this card punched 10 times and your next abortion is free!" card, cashes her welfare check, and then goes out for

I think there are a lot of people in the pro-life movement who sincerely think abortion is murdering a person and their movement is about saving lives, but fail to realize that their movement with its opposition to decent healthcare, childcare, and contraception is more about punishing women for having sex than it is

I'm sure by now we've all seen the interview on VOX with the woman whose husband needs Obamacare to live. They voted for Trump. Her reasoning. "I know he said he's going to repeal Obamacare, but he's not really going to do that."

No but she always wishes she'd once been kicked off a plane.

I'm not here to criticize journalistic standards, but the thing about the guy having a history of faking videos - probably first paragraph material, not last paragraph.

No need to be a jerk.

OMG, flyover country jinxies! You owe him an RC cola now!

I want to extend a sincere apology for running over your pet dog.

I don't think there's anything wrong with enjoying traditionally masculine endeavors. People are complicated. You can like theater and sports. Ultimately we're all a mush of the society that produced us. In most western cases that's Patriarchal and often toxic. Own the ways you reflect traditional masculinity. It's

See I feel like he is evolving. His recent films are definitely distinguishable from his early films. I have some friends who are disappointed in them because they'd wished he'd stayed more in his American Chekov Royal Tenenbaums mode. Which I understand, but I think adding a touch or more of Chuck Jones madness to

Look if you're gonna try to lance twee out yourself you've got to do it right. Otherwise, it's too strong it'll just grow back.

Well I'd respond to your first point by saying that the reason the US doesn't have a functioning party to the left of the Democrats is that the political ideologies of the people in this country don't support it. That said, I have no problem with people of left wing ideologies such as yourself attempting to persuade

Well I think we'll also have to disagree that Bee's audience can be categorized as center-right. I think the spectrum swings, but I'm not sure we're a liberal enough country to call Bee's audience anything other than at least center-left. I think it would be wrong to suggest that they're more closely aligned to

Of course FXXX is where all the tits are.

I agree with everything you say about what the party needs to become. I never once equated Bernie and his supporters with Trump. I voted for Bernie. I'm proud of that. I think he will be an important leader for us moving forward. I think the party should if anything, move to the left, but do a better job of expressing

I don't doubt that if we attempt to re-write traditions of courtship so that they're far less creepy, sure there may be some women who aren't thrilled with it.

Boy those people sure avoided a Hazard that could have lasted Now and Forever.

I may be an old fart, but in my day, it was just the conservatives who thought there was such a thing as "too much empathy"

Oh, a lot of skepticism is warranted. I don't disagree with that. We can find a healthy response somewhere between "I'm totally fine with Glenn Beck now" and "Nope. fuck this."