He Hate Cans


Sure, but assuming net neutrality is dead within the next 4 years, we have precious little time to watch anything on YouTube.

198 once the Ukraine is officially acquired by Russia.

Can we agree that all the streaming interfaces are shit? I use a separate app that tells me what's streaming on what service, and I'm satisfied fine with that. But the fact that none of them really care to tell me in a coherent way, what's available and when, is mind boggling.

No, but it's representative of a broad brush that progressivism has been successfully painted with by both the right and the media. The problem isn't about what the Democratic Party actually stands for. The problem is that they don't do a good enough job saying what you just said, that people getting angry on Twitter

But the election of Trump, to some extent, suggests that the battle to define Political Correctness has been won by the right. We may say it's basic human decency, but conservatives have clearly and successfully made it into "dumb stuff libtards do"

Well I don't think anyone could or should be blamed for being angry at what's happening. But I've found that channeling that anger into action - writing or calling your representatives, volunteering, anything you can really - is both helpful because it can affect change, but also it can help your mood much more than

Agreed 100%.

Not to be outdone, she's rubbing her butt on the St. Lawrence river.

Yeah, if you're a casual observer of news & web culture (where I think a lot of people fall) and you've heard that Jennifer Lawrence is racist for doing this, and the Oscars are racist for nominating too many white people and Ellen is racist for a photoshopped picture where she's riding Usain Bolt and Stephen Colbert

She's attractive in a blonde hair, pretty face, big ego, apathetic, probably doesn't read any books, must be the mid 90's kinda way.

Just saw a movie on TV that was clearly anti-Trump about a successful businessman who is forced by some SJW ghosts to give his lazy employee's kid healthcare for Christmas. Sad.

Ah, but a year later we live in a post-fact society.

I think this is one of the reasons why the NFL is struggling. Teams seem wildly inconsistent from season to season.

They should just post an open thread every day for us to complain about Trump. They know we want to. We know we want to.

Has anyone noted the prescience of WALL-E? This is essentially governance by corporation.

Automated screen message: "What would you like?"

Good news, nuclear winter hits in 2 and a half years, max.

Recently read that a third of Louisiana Republicans blame Obama for the response to Hurricane Katrina.

Dangit why can't they just let white people have country music & rock n roll?