He Hate Cans

I'm not saying that country music is better than other music.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan for Department of Labor!


I mean, when everyone around you is getting freaky, you willfully ignore it right? I remember how it works. High school wasn't that long ago.

Looks like someone entered the Dagobah Cave after all. Heyoooo!

When I was a kid and played video games with my brother, the games would end one of two ways. Either he'd win or if it looked like I was going to win, he'd jump up and turn off the console.

Just tried watching the Trump presidency - unwatchable! Totally biased,
not funny and the impersonation of a respectable American leader just can't get any worse. Sad

“People have got to know whether or not their President is a crook. Well, I’m not a crook. Yo-Yo Man is the crook!" - Richard Nixon

President Pence would give us all the bad things of a Trump administration but a smaller possibility of nuclear winter. Honestly, in 2017 that's what we call a "small victory"

Well, a lot of things keep going even after they've gone to crap: SNL, The Simpsons, America.

I'd at least appreciate the intellectual honesty of that. God knows it makes more sense than "He's going to make America great again and take down the elites by punishing Mexicans and Muslims."

I know we're all hunkering down for a long 4 years of disgust and dissent, but considering that he's already causing international incidents and it's over a month before he actually becomes president, he may not last 48 hours before he starts blowing shit up (figuratively and literally).

Sounds like they're precious little conservative snowflakes.

G'night. Have deplorable dreams! Don't let the Lib-bugs bite.

I have to admit I used to moan about the I Fucking Love Science crowd and how they just love all the superficial stuff about science. And while I still stand by that, it's amazing how Nazi's taking over the government can focus your attention away from the small annoyances.

We have our moments. We landed on the moon and invented buffalo wings.

Why the hate for animals? Parrots are both smart and pretty. Antelope are majestic. Dolphins can jump out of water really high. Hedgehogs can curl into balls and spin really fast.

Well I don't know, half the the things on this site are memes or quotes or something. I figured telling someone you've never met that "nobody likes you" is just as likely a reference to some pop culture thing I've not yet encountered as it is a stranger on the internet being a jerk in a way that's not remotely called

Is this a reference to something or are you just being a dick?

I'm all for appealing to those on the fence. But wasting any time trying to shame or silence the crazies seems like a waste of time and effort especially when they'll just wear it like a badge of honor.