He Hate Cans

Well I suppose the idea is that destroying their bubble can open them up to not being racist pieces of shit.

Yeah but for conservatives "awful" is so 2012. Now they're into "really, completely, horribly, fascist awful"

I'm very excited for this, but I am put off by the fact that it seems to be about young pretty people fighting for artistic integrity.

Humans are pack animals. Politics never used to be a powerful "pack." Our packs used to be more defined by race and religion and ethnicity. And of course they still are, but conservatives have done a very good job taking those and tying them into political affiliation as the ultimate secure "pack"

I do have to admit, Ryan Gosling's stubble and Emma Stone's shoulders make for a cute couple.

Hell or High Water was about how the banks are screwing good salt of the earth folks in the south.

im assuming they're already planning their "wait, should we have nominated Star Wars too?" addendum.

If I've said it once, I've said it a dozen times. I don't hate cans. HE hate cans. I merely observe that he do.

"The inventor of the Big Mac died today. He was smothered to death by a middle bun that shouldn't have been there to begin with."

QP 4 Harambe!

It's not, but it would have been weird to write "the f-word, the female anatomy c-word, and, of course, cock."

When Miranda was saying to Christopher Jackson "As long as I got a job, you got a job," I was so relieved to learn that I'm not the only one who gets drunk and quotes The West Wing.

I want to be snarky somehow but this is a company I use and enjoy implementing a new feature that I will probably use and enjoy.

For the record I would actually be alright with an evening of Netflix and chill time with Lauren not euphemistically but literally

"Oooh, I watch movies and TV on screens big enough to show me what's actually going on. I like to engage with my content."

books? those were those things people looked at when the wanted fackts right? I may have misspelled that word, it's been so long since I used it.

It is perfectly fine to have a problem with it. I'm just saying that I don't.

Which I have no problem with. Our psyches are unavoidably inseparable from the culture in which they exist and that culture is intertwined with racial biases and depictions based on said biases.

It really does read like the f-word, male anatomy c-word and female anatomy c-word (sorry, trying to be profanity free here) had a wild three-way and created this new word.

No mention of Dave Grohl as "guy in background" a part so insubstantial I said to myself as I watched "who is that guy, Dave Grohl?" Not even remotely thinking it could be true.