He Hate Cans

Well without reading the article I'm assuming because (without trivializing that it's still very bad), harassment and assault are two very different things.

At the very least, we have to do better than "cishetero." Is that a thing now? Can't we at least go with "cis-hetero?" Written as one word it took me forever not to pronounce in my head the "sh" as an "sh" should be pronounced and I assumed it was some sort of Asian fusion fish dish that I wasn't familiar with.

Closest I can think of is War and Peace which run 7 hours 7 minutes and won Best Foreign Language film in 1967. I thought for sure Shoah had won but apparently not.

That was Teve Torbes

"I didn't toldja so but someone toldja so!"

"I've got a weal wed wagon!!"

Good for Ralph Fiennes getting recognition for his performance in A Bigger Splash. As an introvert I found it to be the most terrifying thing in a movie this year.

Brace yourself. For the next 4 years, any criticism, any dissent, any opposition to Trump's wars abroad and at home, to his capitulation to Russia and white supremacy, is going to be called "anti-American" and "unpatriotic" to a level that will make the Bush era look quaint.

^This. The only political currency is persuasion. Truth is as valuable as fools gold. If this election teaches us nothing elseā€¦

"An outgrowth of the 'dicks out for Harambe' moment of 2016"

I applaud the idea, but have you spent 5 minutes with these folks? Have you asked them how they feel about all the hate crimes going off since the election, because they're response is "not real, libtard whining."

Meh. When I'm in Italy, the Madam of the Fellini-esque brothel I stay at usually watches my kids. I suppose she'll have to keep an eye on their google searches.

I kept my account and deleted my app. Now I actually use it for a purpose sitting down at a computer a couple times a day and then move on, instead of scrolling through a hundred shitty memes and arguments every 5 minutes.

Trump's people will NEVER admit that it's Trump's fault however bad things get. It will always be about doubling down.


Sometimes it doesn't reach a breaking point. There's no rule that says it has to reach a breaking point and get better. Sometimes it just crumbles.

How many people have spent the last 8 years saying "Obama refuses to compromise?"

Nothing riles up white people like suggesting we shouldn't be able to arbitrarily kill black people.

As an Indians fan, I have to admit, your suggestion warrants serious consideration.

don't forget shitty games. When I think Thursday Night Football I think hideous uniforms and shitty games.