He Hate Cans

Ooh this is fun, let me play.

I distinctly remember, that wasn't him, it was the warlords.

I'm also not clear if we're supposed to appreciate these horror movies for pointing a spotlight on sexism or be angry at them for having characters that perpetuate it.

not to mention, anyone wishing you "Happy Zombie Jesus Day" needs to get some new material. Not sure you can really look down your nose at Christians as followers of an outdated ideology when you're still reposting 2009's memes

Of course nobody likes the "well, actually…" guy but this scenario is a pretty bad way to frame that point. What you've got is someone making an argument that feels a whole lot like cherry picking evidence to support their conclusion, but since it's about the prevalence of misogyny, anyone who takes an opposing view

I also hear he's the Senate's best hugger.

The phenomenon of people running for government office on the platform that government is inherently evil, will never cease to blow my mind.

The situation is also a reflection of a lot of young people who left Cleveland for opportunities elsewhere but have been coming back and contributing to the city's rebirth in the past few years. I think a lot of people here know exactly what it's like to hear your hometown calling that it needs you to come back and

This gives new meaning to "hot and ready"

Lemme make sure I get this. Those feedback comments are fictional. And the point is they'd be terrible if someone had said them. But they didn't.

How did he do such fantastic stunts with such little feet?

Jesus, fan clubs are spending $30,000 on Walk of Fame stars?

It has to have some sort of gimmick or hot take attached right? Otherwise it's just advertising.

Two competing daredevils decide to go over Niagara Falls on the same day. One love Jesus and places her faith in Him. The other loves Darwin and believes they can science up a barrel to keep them alive.

It sounds like a company that you can hire to come to your house and cover your husband's porn dvd's with purell. Sanitize the devil out!

I think some of the unexpectedly good teams this year are indeed real. It's just that they have no identity yet. I couldn't pick Derek Carr out of a lineup and I can't name anyone else on the whole team. And I think one of them is on my fantasy team.

The running narrative of this season seems to be "same old, same old."

That it somehow got twisted into an indication of Howard Dean's anger and overall lack of presidential temperament, was befuddling to me then and downright appalling to me now, considering what you can now get away with in a Presidential campaign as long as you're entertaining while you do it.

I'm with you. You can take my physical media from my cold, dead hands.

But there was something grossly specific about that notice. Sure sometimes physical attraction may be important to a role (although one would hope not for the sake of simply objectifying someone for comedy or any other reason), but one can approach those instances with some semblance of respect for an actor's craft