He Hate Cans

I think it's the difference between someone who insists that the world is always just, so if you're poor it's because you're lazy and if many black people are poor that must mean they're all lazy and if you get shot by the cops you must have done something, etc, etc, etc. and someone who wants to believe that the

As someone who is 34, the fact that everyone is reacting by saying "most 34 year olds don't look that old, right?" makes me inexorably relieved.

The comparison is totally accurate, as long as by "wallet on the car" he means "wallet in a locked car" and his argument is "why leave your wallet in a locked car, out of sight, when any criminal could break into it and then give me your money? In that instance why shouldn't I take that money? You made the mistake of

I, for one, thought he was an adorable, wonderful, lovable guy who just hadn't yet decided if he was going to vote for the homophobic, xenophobic, racist, admitted perpetrator or sexual assault or not.

My wife has Anderson on her fantasy team, at least 3 times did he have a 10+ yard play taken back due to holding calls, one of them a touchdown.

It sounds like a conversation Beavis and Butt-head would have had.

Aaaanyone who is pro-Trump doesn't get to school the rest of us on the importance of "religious morality" any more. Straighten out your own house first. When you're done with that, you can come find us. We'll be right here, not sexually assaulting people.

You could take that and put it directly onto a pro-consent poster and put it up in colleges.

I'm pretty sure that if you don't understand that the informed, enthusiastic, ongoing, freely given, and explicit consent is what makes sex awesome, then you don't understand sex as a shared, intimate physical and emotional connection between people but think of it as a way for one person to victoriously conquer

Somehow this all feels like the 3rd act of Carrie to me.

You know different people are excited by different things in consensual situations so I don't want to say no woman, ever.

I'm sure that person also thinks the UN is totally ineffective and incompetent. Except at undertaking and covering up a mass election fraud the size of which has never been seen.

Keep shrinking the tent through demands of ideological purity and see how that works out for your movement.

I almost wish I knew someone like that so I could tell them to knock it the fuck off and then feel like I was doing something for the good of society.

And I heard his dad helped assassinate JFK.

It should be noted, based on my unscientific poll of facebook posts and internet comments, the only Republicans who are bothered by this are the establishment politicians mostly fearing for their jobs.

This debate doesn't need a #notallmen moment, but honestly I've never been around anyone who has spoken like this, and I certainly haven't.

I remember Alan Cumming hosted before he'd had any movie recognition and I just knew him as that theater guy who's big in New York, I guess.

I think they're 100% for defending Trump and 100% against even considering that he's wrong or bad. They wait for him to speak and then they form their opinions. It's a cult of personality, not substance. They like that he's an asshole and can get away with it, because that's what they want to be. They will NEVER give

"Hey, I'm famous now, so I can get laid by hot chicks" is lewd talk. If I were famous (and single) and in a locker room with my pals that's what I'd be saying. And they'd probably be giving me high fives.